app.ini iRacing config file
Share an easy link:
I haven't researched the majority of settings; my preferences may not work for you.
If looking for joyCalib wheel/pedal calibration settings, see joyCalib
Make a copy of your files before editing.
app.ini located in documents/iRacing/app.ini has many settings to tweak.
Don't edit the file while sim is open or it will overwrite your changes.
Applicable to any new build (but I last did it 2016s1):
Before downloading the new build:
Renamed renderer.ini and app.ini in Documents/iRacing/
Then ran the sim which re-ran the graphics wizard and re-created the files.
After playing around in the sim, I exited, waited a minute, then used to compare & edit new/old files.
Make a copy of files before butchering them.
I regularly save a 'zip' of configuration files in Documents/iRacing/
Before saving/editing/replacing files, exit sim and wait a minute
(or check Windows Task Manager to see iracing.exe isn't running).
As explained by David Tucker's post the sim needs to fully shut down.
A simple example of a line to edit:
muteWhenFocusLost=1 ; set this to 0 to hear sim sounds when another program has the keyboard focus
Think of "muteWhenFocusLost" as a switch (named by iRacing programmer).
The =1 or =0 part is the on/off toggle.
The text after the ";" is iRacing's explanation for us.
Thus changing muteWhenFocusLost=1 to muteWhenFocusLost=0 is like flicking the toggle switch.
In this case it's to hear the sim when you alt-tab out of the program.
(Push-to-talk button should continue to function too).
• To read all content in boxes below: resize box or use the sliders; on iPad I slide my fingers in the box.
Chrome and Firefox: click & drag bottom right corner to resize.
My app.ini 2016s4 (DX11):
allowHardwareStreams=1 ; try to use hardware streams if available
devMicrophoneAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devMicrophoneDevName=System Default ; Name of the sound device
devSPCCAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSPCCDevName=System Default ; Name of the sound device
devSpeakerAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSpeakerDevName=System Default ; Name of the sound device
devVoiceChatAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devVoiceChatDevName=System Default ; Name of the sound device
dimensions=3 ; 1 = mono, 2 = stereo, 3 = surround
loudnessAmbient=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for ambient noise in dB
loudnessCrash=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for scrapes and crashes in dB
loudnessEngine=-8.100000 ; Volume adjustment for engines in dB
loudnessReplay=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for overall replay volume versus driving volume in dB
loudnessSPCC=-15.000000 ; Volume adjustment for spotter noise in dB
loudnessTires=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for tires in dB
loudnessVoiceChat=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for voice chat noise in dB
loudnessWind=-7.000000 ; Volume adjustment for wind in dB
masterVolumedB=0.000000 ; Master volume adjustment in dB, range is -120 dB to 0 dB
micAlwaysActive=1 ; Set this to 0 if your graphics stutter when a microphone is configured, but doing so may cause worse stutters while recording for voice chat
muteWhenFocusLost=0 ; set this to 0 to hear sim sounds when another program has the keyboard focus
numSoundStreams=-1 ; Maximum number of audible sounds
overrideSpccRate=0 ; If set to 1, the spotter sounds will be resampled to play back at the general sample rate. This is a compatibility fix for sound cards with limited playback rates and is not recommended for general use.
overrideVoiceChatRate=0 ; If set to 1, void chat will be resampled to play back at the general sample rate. This is a compatibility fix for sound cards with limited playback rates and is not recommended for general use.
sampleRate=48000 ; sample rate to run sound system at
stereoStreamInSurroundBalance=1.000000 ; stereo streams (the engine) in surround mode need a system specific adjustment to match volume with surround streams
voiceChatEnabled=1 ; Enable or Disable Voice Chat.
voiceChatEnabledWhileDriving=1 ; Enable voice chat while driving.
voiceChatMuted=0 ; Mute voice chat - overrides voiceChatVolume.
voiceChatNotificationStyle=1 ; Voice chat notification style.
[Autochat Messages]
AutoChatStr1=Pitting In$ ; Auto chat message, use $ at the end to auto transmit without hitting enter
AutoChatStr10=!clear 99 Shut up, crazy fool!$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr11=#lf rf lr rr ws fuel 500g$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr12=#rf rr$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr13=#lf rf lr rr$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr14=#fuel 2g$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr15=Tips & links...$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr2=Pitting Out$ ; Auto chat message,
AutoChatStr3=Pass Left$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr4=Pass Right$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr5=Sorry$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr6=Thanks$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr7=np$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr8=lol$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr9=#clear fr$ ; Auto chat message
autoShotSelection=1 ; Automatically switch cameras based on shot quality
camTempEdit=0 ; don't save edits to cameras, useful for 'live' edits
ctrlIncAccel=1 ; use acceleration when adjusting cameras
ctrlIncScalar=10.000000 ; scalar to use when selecting fast move mode
ctrlIncScalarApply=0 ; enable fast move mode (10x)
ctrlIncVal=0.050000 ; step size when adjusting cameras
focusIncALin=6.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog focus controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
focusIncAScalar=10.000000 ; adjust focus adjustment speed for analog controls
fovIncALin=4.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog FOV controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
fovIncAScalar=20.000000 ; adjust FOV adjustment speed for analog controls
linearPanBlend=0.000000 ; 0.0 - pan slows down with increased zoom, 1.0 - pan remains constant
rotIncALin=4.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog rotation (yaw,pitch,roll) controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
rotIncAScalar=4.000000 ; adjust rotation (yaw,pitch,roll) adjustment speed for analog controls
showCamMode=0 ; display cameras in world, 0-Live, 1-Wide, 2-Front, 3-Side, 4-Top
transIncALin=4.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog translation (x,y,z) controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
transIncAScalar=4.000000 ; adjust translation (x,y,z) adjustment speed for analog controls
SkipInvalidResults=0 ; In looping qualify, skip over results display if no valid lap time
[Drive Screen]
blackBox=4 ; Which black box to display
blackBoxPitStop=0 ; Which pit stop black box to display
resetCanExitCar=1 ; Does pressing reset exit the car while in the pit stall?
showRadioControls=1 ; Display the radio channel control while driving?
showSpeedGearControls=1 ; Display the Speed / Gear / Pedals / Wheel black box?
showSystemMeters=1 ; Display the FPS / Network black box?
showVideoTimer=0 ; Display a clock on the screen that can be used to syncronize live video with a replay
UIOffsetBottomPct=0 ; Shift bottom of UI up by specified percent
arxDisplayPack=ir_drive ; What display to show on the Logitech ARX client.
enableLogitechARX=1 ; Enable Logitech ARX client to create a digital dash on your smartphone
enableLogitechLED=1 ; Animate the backlights on Logitech devices
phoneCanSteer=1 ; Allow phone device to act as a steering wheel
[Force Feedback]
allowXBoxOneOnWindows10=1 ; Set to 1 to talk to xbox one game pads on windows 10, warning the driver is buggy
alwaysRestartFX=0 ; Always restart force when updating it, set to true if wheel goes limp after a while
centerSpringPct=-1 ; Percent (0-100) of static centering spring force to apply, -1 is off. Not reccomended for use.
clipRangeToLogical=1 ; Set to 1 to limit the reported range to the logical min/max values
damperMode=0 ; Set damper effect type 0 = Damper 1 = Inertia 2 = Friction
damperSaturation=10000 ; Set damper saturation from 0 to 10000
dampingSliderSetsFriction=1 ; True if damping slider adjust friction effect, false to adjust wheels built in damping effect
debounceSeq_Ms=50 ; Add delay in Milliseconds to sequential shifter to reduce double shifts
disableAutoCenter=1 ; Turn auto center off on all force feedback devices
displayLinearInNm=0 ; Display the force level in peak Nm when using the linear mode
enableFanatecWheelDisplay=0 ; Enable the use of Fanatec wheel displays
enableG27WheelDisplay=1 ; Enable use of shift indicators on the G27 and clones
enableHotPlug=1 ; Set to 0 to turn off usb hot plugging in case you have usb disconnect issues
enableWheelDisplayBlink=1 ; Enable the display lights to blink when at the rev limit
FFBAlwaysReset=1 ; Reset the force feedback every time you enter your car, may help with some wheels.
FFBUseSimpleMinForce=0 ; 0 - Use smoothed min force, 1 - use old sharp min force
forceNoiseSuppression=0 ; Remove noisy joystick axis, even if they are calibrated by hand
forceResetBeforeInit=1 ; Force a reset of the whole FFB system every time we create or destroy a FFB effect
initialMoveThreshold=30 ; Minimal amount of motion needed to detect initial movement of a joystick when calibrating
initOnlyNewDevices=1 ; Set to 0 to force all devices to reinitialize when a device change is detected
invertFFBForce=0 ; Reverse the force feedback effects, if your wheel is spinning the wrong way
reinitFanatecWheelDisplay=0 ; reinitialize the fanatec wheel display when reconnecting devices this may cause issues
seperateXBox360Triggers=1 ; Set to 1 to seperate the XBox 360 joystick triggers into there own axes
steerAverageSteeringTorque=0 ; True averages 360 Hz data down to 60 Hz, false uses last sample
steeringBumpStop_Deg=15.000000 ; degrees into bump stop before max force
steeringDampingFactor=0.050000 ; Damping factor adjust down if damping becomes unstable, defautlt to 0.05
steeringDampingMaxPercent=0.000000 ; Maximum amount of damping to apply, adjust this to set damping level, values between 0.05 and 0.2 are best, overriden by damping slider
steeringDampingParkedMaxPercent=0.200000 ; Maximum amount of damping to apply when parked, adjust this to reduce wheel oscilation when parked, values between 0.05 and 0.30 are best
steeringFFBSmooth=0.800000 ; Percent of current FFB force to use vs average force, 1.0 = no average 0.001 = max average
steeringForceParkedPct=0.500000 ; Reduce FFB force by percent when parked, to help reduce oscilations
border=0 ; window border?
deviceIdx=0 ; which adapter
displayRotateMode=1 ; 0-auto, 1-landscale, 2-landscape inv, 3-portrait, 4-portrait inv
DriveUIFullScreen=0 ; Let triple headed driving UI expand to fill full display
DriveUITransparency=1.000000 ; Adjust driving UI transparency up or down
eflapCarTransp=0.150000 ; Set level of transparency for reference lap car.
forceVisibleWhenMove=1 ; Force all movable controls to become visible when moving UI elements
fullScreen=1 ; fullscreen?
fullScreenDepth=32 ; Color depth
fullScreenHeight=1080 ; full screen Window's height
fullScreenWidth=5760 ; full screen Window's width
hideCarNum=0 ; Hide car numbers and other decals in test sessions, so you can paint your own versions.
KeepUIHiddenOnFocus=0 ; If set to 1 then the UI can only be enabled with the space bar and not a mouse click
maxParticleThreads=6 ; #workers (0 to 6)
particleThreadPriorityAdjust=0 ; belowNormal=-1 normal=0 aboveNormal=1
pixelRatio=1.000000 ; Full screen mode - Adjust for displays with non-square pixels
pixelRatioWindowed=1.000000 ; Windowed mode - Adjust for displays with non-square pixels
reduceFramerateWhenFocusLost=0 ; set this to 0 to maintain full framerate when another program has the keyboard focus
serverTransmitMaxCars=63 ; Limit number of cars transmitted to client (values from 10 to 64)
SessionUIFullScreen=0 ; Let triple headed session UI expand to fill full display
SessionUITransparency=1.000000 ; Adjust session UI transparency up or down
UseCoherentUI=0 ; Use Coherent UI?
windowedAlignment=0 ; windowed mode alignment: 0 - none, 1 - center, 2 - top left
windowedHeight=1080 ; windowed mode height
windowedMaximized=0 ; Window is maximized in windowed mode
windowedWidth=5760 ; windowed mode width
windowedXPos=-8 ; Window top left corner in windowed mode
windowedYPos=-30 ; Window top left corner in windowed mode
[Graphics DX11]
border=0 ; window border?
deviceIdx=0 ; which adapter
displayRotateMode=1 ; 0-auto, 1-landscale, 2-landscape inv, 3-portrait, 4-portrait inv
fullScreen=1 ; fullscreen?
fullScreenDepth=32 ; Color depth
fullScreenHeight=1080 ; full screen Window's height
fullScreenWidth=5760 ; full screen Window's width
ModeScaling=0 ; 0=unspecified 1=centered 2=stretched
pixelRatio=1.000000 ; Full screen mode - Adjust for displays with non-square pixels
pixelRatioWindowed=1.000000 ; Windowed mode - Adjust for displays with non-square pixels
RefreshRate=60.000000 ; Refresh Rate
UseCoherentUI=0 ; Use Coherent UI?
windowedAlignment=0 ; windowed mode alignment: 0 - none, 1 - center, 2 - top left
windowedHeight=1080 ; windowed mode height
windowedMaximized=0 ; Window is maximized in windowed mode
windowedWidth=5760 ; windowed mode width
windowedXPos=0 ; Window top left corner in windowed mode
windowedYPos=0 ; Window top left corner in windowed mode
dateFormat=0 ; Ordering of month, day, year
systemOfMeasurement=1 ; System of measurement used
[Main Screen]
blackBox=-1 ; Which black box to display
enableLegacyTelemetry=0 ; Set to 1 to turn legacy telemetry support on.
garageAutoApply=1 ; automatically hit the apply button after five seconds of inactivity.
irsdkLogSetup=1 ; Log the current setup to telemetry
showIncidentMessagesWhileDriving=1 ; Show Incident messages while driving
showJoinLeave=1 ; Show player join/leave messages
showSysMessagesWhileDriving=1 ; Show system messages while driving
showUserMessagesWhileDriving=1 ; Show user chat messages while driving
EnableTicker=0 ; set to 1 to turn on ticker when session UI is disabled
[Pit Service]
autoResetFastRepair=1 ; Automatically request fast repair service once your vehicle exits pit road
autoResetPitBox=1 ; Automatically request full pit service once your vehicle exits pit road
askToSaveOnQuit=0 ; Ask to save the replay before quitting via the [Quit] button??
maxFramesToSearchPerUpdate=2048 ; Maximum # of frames to search per update
noRpyCtrlsOnNumpad=0 ; Remove all default replay controls mapped to number pad
pauseReplayOnExit=0 ; Pause replay when exiting your car.
repeatedSearchDelay=400 ; Min milliseconds betweeen successful long-search completions
replayPatchRemoteCars=1 ; update remote car positions in replay based on server data
spoolingEnabled=1 ; enable replay spooling?
spoolOnlyIfDiskFreeMB=1024 ; 0=don't check, otherwise must have this many MB free disk or spooling won't enable
spoolRecordingToDiry= ; If spooling recording, write tmp file into this directory
spoolTapeSizePct=25 ; % of allowed memory to use for the spool buffer (0=min,100=max)
spoolTmpFilesNamed=0 ; use different file names for each spooled .tmp file?
carLowHiPadding=0.500000 ; How much clearance, front and back in meters, to give a car before reporting it as clear
enabled=1 ; Is the spotter enabled at all?
reportLapsEnabled=1 ; Enable spotter calls out lap times
reportLapsMinute=1 ; Call out the minute when calling the time
reportLapsMode_n=0 ; Spotter calls out lap times, 0 - time, 1 - avg speed
reportLapsPrecision=3 ; How much precision to display lap times with
text=1 ; Does the spotter display text messages?
verbosity=2 ; How chatty is the spotter?
voice=1 ; Does the spotter talk to you?
voicePack=JJ Spotter-Cuss Pack v6.60 ; Voice pack for spotter, leave blank for default spotter
defaultShotMode=3 ; default target to focus on when spectating
comparisonLapFileName= ; User specified split delta file used for comparison
deltaBarDisplayDeltabar=1 ; Show the delta bar when displaying split time or ghost car
deltaBarDisplayLaps=7 ; Reference lap to compare against while driving, 0 disables the reference lap.
deltaBarDisplayRefCar=0 ; If 1 display a reference car on track that you can race against. This may not be enabled in all sessions.
deltaBarRangeOval=0.500000 ; delta bar range as +/- N seconds when at an oval
deltaBarRangeRoad=2.000000 ; delta bar range as +/- N seconds when at a road course
disableAtRaceStart=1 ; If 1 disable the split time at start of race, you can manually enable it again later.
fadeGhostCarWhenClose=1 ; If 1 then increase the ghost car transparency as you drive near it.
ghostCarOffsetSec=0.300000 ; How many seconds to offset the ghost car by.
ghostCarTransp=0.350000 ; Set level of transparency for ghost car (reference lap car).
tiltInvertX=0 ; Invert the tilt steering axis
tiltInvertY=0 ; Invert the tilt gas/brake axis
tiltMaxAngleX=95.000000 ; changes tilt sensitivity for the steering axis
tiltMaxAngleY=30.000000 ; changes tilt sensitivity for the gas/brake axis
tiltSensorEnable=1 ; Set to false to stop detection of tilt sensors
useOrientationSensor=1 ; Choose between the orientation sensor or the accelerometer
enableMouseWhileDriving=1 ; Enable the mouse controls in the driving screen
touchCenterOnFirstTouchX=0 ; Center x of control set by first touch
touchCenterOnFirstTouchY=1 ; Center y of control set by first touch
touchComboHeight=0.150000 ; Height, as a percent of screen width, of the center combination touch drive input
touchComboUseSingleCursor=1 ; use a single cursor on the x/y combo control
touchComboWidth=0.400000 ; Width, as a percent of screen width, of the center combination touch drive input
touchFalloff=0.016000 ; How fast the touch control will return to its neutral setting once released
touchLockMouseOnClick=1 ; click once to activate mouse driving control, click again to release it
touchSideEdgeOffset=0.020000 ; How close to the edge of the display are the left/right touch driving input, when using a horizontal orientation
touchSideGasIsVertical=1 ; Orient the (right) gas/brake input zone vertically or horizontally
touchSideHeight=0.150000 ; Height, as a percent of screen width, of the left/right touch drive inputs, when using vert orientation
touchSideHideOnMouse=1 ; hide the side controls when touch not active
touchSideSteeringIsVertical=0 ; Orient the (left) steering input zone vertically or horizontally
touchSideWidth=0.200000 ; Width, as a percent of screen width, of the left/right touch drive inputs, when using a horizontal orientation
touchUseMouseRelativeMode=1 ; If true, then use a relative mouse mode, otherwise use absolute
screenshotFileFormat=0 ; Screenshot file format, 0 = png, 1 = jpg, 2 = bmp
videoCaptureEnable=1 ; Set to 0 to disable loading of video capture module
videoCaptureMic=0 ; Set to 1 to capture audio from your microphone
videoFileFormat=3 ; Video encoder container, 1 = wmv, 2 = avi2, 3 = avi
videoFramerate=1 ; Video framerate, 0 = 60 fps, 1 = 30 fps
videoImgSize=1 ; Video max dimensions, 0 = auto, 1=1920x1080, 2=1280x720, 3=854x480
cockpitLookAngle=65.000000 ; Angle in degrees to rotate head when looking left/right
cockpitLookDeadZone=0.050000 ; 0-1 value for deadzone. 0 is no deadzone.
cockpitLookDownAngle=20.000000 ; Angle in degrees to tilt head when looking down
cockpitLookInstant=1 ; does digital look left/right/up/down switch instantly, or transition smoothly?
cockpitLookSmoothingTime=0.055556 ; Time value (secs) used in joystick smoothing
cockpitLookUpAngle=15.000000 ; Angle in degrees to tilt head when looking up
DriverHeadHorizon=0.100000 ; Percent to allow the drivers head to stay level with the horizon when the car tilts.
DriverHeadNoPitch=0.100000 ; Percent to allow the drivers head to stay level with the horizon when the car pitches.
DriverHeadWobble=1.000000 ; Percent to allow the drivers head to wobble when going over bumps.
driverHeightAdj=0.000000 ; Range -0.050m to 0.050m (approx. +/- 2 in.)
DriverRotateHead=0.100000 ; Percent to rotate drivers head with slip angle. 0 to 1 with 1 being 100%
drivingCamFOV=142.000000 ; driving camera field of view
DrivingVanishY=-0.120000 ; Shift the driving view up/down to make it easier to see the dash.
virtualMirrorFOV=85.000000 ; virtual mirror field of view
[XXX Dev Use Only]
CPUMeter=0 ; Include the sim-thread's CPU usage in the L/Q/S meter group?
CPUMeterAsText=0 ; Show CPU meter as ms in text?
dbgTextBG= ; r,g,b[,a]
dbgTextFG= ; r,g,b[,a]
MaskFPUExceptionsBG=0 ; 1=mask floating point errors (realtime)
MaskFPUExceptionsFG=0 ; 1=mask floating point errors (graphics)
maxAllowedHangTimeSecondsBG=0 ; 0=disable (realtime)
maxAllowedHangTimeSecondsFG=0 ; 0=disable (renderering)
xHeight=1080 ;
xTilesAcross=1 ; mosaic
xWidth=5760 ; must be multiple of 4*xTilesAcross!
My app.ini 2016s3 (DX11):
allowHardwareStreams=1 ; try to use hardware streams if available
devMicrophoneAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSPCCAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSPCCDevName=System Default ; Name of the sound device
devSpeakerAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSpeakerDevName=System Default ; Name of the sound device
devVoiceChatAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devVoiceChatDevName=Realtek HD Audio 2nd output (Realtek High Definition Audio) ; Name of the sound device
devVoiceChatDxDefault=0 ; DirectSound: 0 = specified device, 1 = default device
devVoiceChatDxId={D671316A-9C31-4460-8B7B-826D41434FA5} ; DirectSound: Identifier for the seleted sound device
dimensions=3 ; 1 = mono, 2 = stereo, 3 = surround
loudnessAmbient=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for ambient noise in dB
loudnessCrash=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for scrapes and crashes in dB
loudnessEngine=-5.100000 ; Volume adjustment for engines in dB
loudnessReplay=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for overall replay volume versus driving volume in dB
loudnessSPCC=-9.000000 ; Volume adjustment for spotter noise in dB
loudnessTires=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for tires in dB
loudnessVoiceChat=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for voice chat noise in dB
loudnessWind=-1.000000 ; Volume adjustment for wind in dB
masterVolumedB=0.000000 ; Master volume adjustment in dB, range is -120 dB to 0 dB
micAlwaysActive=1 ; Set this to 0 if your graphics stutter when a microphone is configured, but doing so may cause worse stutters while recording for voice chat
muteWhenFocusLost=0 ; set this to 0 to hear sim sounds when another program has the keyboard focus
numSoundStreams=-1 ; Maximum number of audible sounds
overrideSpccRate=0 ; If set to 1, the spotter sounds will be resampled to play back at the general sample rate. This is a compatibility fix for sound cards with limited playback rates and is not recommended for general use.
overrideVoiceChatRate=0 ; If set to 1, void chat will be resampled to play back at the general sample rate. This is a compatibility fix for sound cards with limited playback rates and is not recommended for general use.
sampleRate=48000 ; sample rate to run sound system at
stereoStreamInSurroundBalance=1.000000 ; stereo streams (the engine) in surround mode need a system specific adjustment to match volume with surround streams
voiceChatEnabled=1 ; Enable or Disable Voice Chat.
voiceChatEnabledWhileDriving=1 ; Enable voice chat while driving.
voiceChatMuted=0 ; Mute voice chat - overrides voiceChatVolume.
voiceChatNotificationStyle=1 ; Voice chat notification style.
[Autochat Messages]
AutoChatStr1=Pitting In$ ; Auto chat message, use $ at the end to auto transmit without hitting enter
AutoChatStr10=!clear 99 Shut up, crazy fool!$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr11=#lf rf lr rr ws fuel 500g$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr12=#rf rr$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr13=#lf rf lr rr$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr14=#fuel 2g$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr15=Tips & links...$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr2=Pitting Out$ ; Auto chat message,
AutoChatStr3=Pass Left$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr4=Pass Right$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr5=Sorry$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr6=Thanks$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr7=np$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr8=lol$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr9=#clear fr$ ; Auto chat message
autoShotSelection=1 ; Automatically switch cameras based on shot quality
camTempEdit=0 ; don't save edits to cameras, useful for 'live' edits
ctrlIncAccel=1 ; use acceleration when adjusting cameras
ctrlIncScalar=10.000000 ; scalar to use when selecting fast move mode
ctrlIncScalarApply=0 ; enable fast move mode (10x)
ctrlIncVal=1.000000 ; step size when adjusting cameras
focusIncALin=6.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog focus controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
focusIncAScalar=10.000000 ; adjust focus adjustment speed for analog controls
fovIncALin=4.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog FOV controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
fovIncAScalar=20.000000 ; adjust FOV adjustment speed for analog controls
linearPanBlend=0.000000 ; 0.0 - pan slows down with increased zoom, 1.0 - pan remains constant
rotIncALin=4.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog rotation (yaw,pitch,roll) controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
rotIncAScalar=4.000000 ; adjust rotation (yaw,pitch,roll) adjustment speed for analog controls
showCamMode=0 ; display cameras in world, 0-Live, 1-Wide, 2-Front, 3-Side, 4-Top
transIncALin=4.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog translation (x,y,z) controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
transIncAScalar=4.000000 ; adjust translation (x,y,z) adjustment speed for analog controls
SkipInvalidResults=0 ; In looping qualify, skip over results display if no valid lap time
[Drive Screen]
blackBox=2 ; Which black box to display
blackBoxPitStop=0 ; Which pit stop black box to display
resetCanExitCar=1 ; Does pressing reset exit the car while in the pit stall?
showRadioControls=1 ; Display the radio channel control while driving?
showSpeedGearControls=1 ; Display the Speed / Gear / Pedals / Wheel black box?
showSystemMeters=1 ; Display the FPS / Network black box?
showVideoTimer=0 ; Display a clock on the screen that can be used to syncronize live video with a replay
UIOffsetBottomPct=0 ; Shift bottom of UI up by specified percent
arxDisplayPack=ir_hud ; What display to show on the Logitech ARX client.
enableLogitechARX=1 ; Enable Logitech ARX client to create a digital dash on your smartphone
enableLogitechLED=1 ; Animate the backlights on Logitech devices
phoneCanSteer=1 ; Allow phone device to act as a steering wheel
[Force Feedback]
allowXBoxOneOnWindows10=1 ; Set to 1 to talk to xbox one game pads on windows 10, warning the driver is buggy
alwaysRestartFX=0 ; Always restart force when updating it, set to true if wheel goes limp after a while
centerSpringPct=-1 ; Percent (0-100) of static centering spring force to apply, -1 is off. Not reccomended for use.
clipRangeToLogical=1 ; Set to 1 to limit the reported range to the logical min/max values
damperMode=0 ; Set damper effect type 0 = Damper 1 = Inertia 2 = Friction
damperSaturation=10000 ; Set damper saturation from 0 to 10000
dampingSliderSetsFriction=1 ; True if damping slider adjust friction effect, false to adjust wheels built in damping effect
debounceSeq_Ms=50 ; Add delay in Milliseconds to sequential shifter to reduce double shifts
disableAutoCenter=1 ; Turn auto center off on all force feedback devices
displayLinearInNm=0 ; Display the force level in peak Nm when using the linear mode
enableFanatecWheelDisplay=1 ; Enable the use of Fanatec wheel displays
enableG27WheelDisplay=1 ; Enable use of shift indicators on the G27 and clones
enableHotPlug=1 ; Set to 0 to turn off usb hot plugging in case you have usb disconnect issues
enableWheelDisplayBlink=1 ; Enable the display lights to blink when at the rev limit
FFBAlwaysReset=1 ; Reset the force feedback every time you enter your car, may help with some wheels.
FFBUseSimpleMinForce=0 ; 0 - Use smoothed min force, 1 - use old sharp min force
forceNoiseSuppression=0 ; Remove noisy joystick axis, even if they are calibrated by hand
initialMoveThreshold=30 ; Minimal amount of motion needed to detect initial movement of a joystick when calibrating
initOnlyNewDevices=1 ; Set to 0 to force all devices to reinitialize when a device change is detected
invertFFBForce=0 ; Reverse the force feedback effects, if your wheel is spinning the wrong way
reinitFanatecWheelDisplay=0 ; reinitialize the fanatec wheel display when reconnecting devices this may cause issues
seperateXBox360Triggers=1 ; Set to 1 to seperate the XBox 360 joystick triggers into there own axes
steerAverageSteeringTorque=0 ; True averages 360 Hz data down to 60 Hz, false uses last sample
steeringBumpStop_Deg=15.000000 ; degrees into bump stop before max force
steeringDampingFactor=0.050000 ; Damping factor adjust down if damping becomes unstable, defautlt to 0.05
steeringDampingMaxPercent=0.000000 ; Maximum amount of damping to apply, adjust this to set damping level, values between 0.05 and 0.2 are best, overriden by damping slider
steeringDampingParkedMaxPercent=0.200000 ; Maximum amount of damping to apply when parked, adjust this to reduce wheel oscilation when parked, values between 0.05 and 0.30 are best
steeringFFBSmooth=0.800000 ; Percent of current FFB force to use vs average force, 1.0 = no average 0.001 = max average
steeringForceParkedPct=0.500000 ; Reduce FFB force by percent when parked, to help reduce oscilations
border=0 ; window border?
deviceIdx=0 ; which adapter
displayRotateMode=1 ; 0-auto, 1-landscale, 2-landscape inv, 3-portrait, 4-portrait inv
DriveUIFullScreen=0 ; Let triple headed driving UI expand to fill full display
DriveUITransparency=1.000000 ; Adjust driving UI transparency up or down
eflapCarTransp=0.150000 ; Set level of transparency for reference lap car.
forceVisibleWhenMove=1 ; Force all movable controls to become visible when moving UI elements
fullScreen=1 ; fullscreen?
fullScreenDepth=32 ; Color depth
fullScreenHeight=1080 ; full screen Window's height
fullScreenWidth=5760 ; full screen Window's width
hideCarNum=0 ; Hide car numbers and other decals in test sessions, so you can paint your own versions.
KeepUIHiddenOnFocus=0 ; If set to 1 then the UI can only be enabled with the space bar and not a mouse click
maxParticleThreads=6 ; #workers (0 to 6)
particleThreadPriorityAdjust=0 ; belowNormal=-1 normal=0 aboveNormal=1
pixelRatio=1.000000 ; Full screen mode - Adjust for displays with non-square pixels
pixelRatioWindowed=1.000000 ; Windowed mode - Adjust for displays with non-square pixels
reduceFramerateWhenFocusLost=0 ; set this to 0 to maintain full framerate when another program has the keyboard focus
serverTransmitMaxCars=63 ; Limit number of cars transmitted to client (values from 10 to 64)
SessionUIFullScreen=0 ; Let triple headed session UI expand to fill full display
SessionUITransparency=1.000000 ; Adjust session UI transparency up or down
UseCoherentUI=0 ; Use Coherent UI?
windowedAlignment=0 ; windowed mode alignment: 0 - none, 1 - center, 2 - top left
windowedHeight=1080 ; windowed mode height
windowedMaximized=0 ; Window is maximized in windowed mode
windowedWidth=5760 ; windowed mode width
windowedXPos=-8 ; Window top left corner in windowed mode
windowedYPos=-30 ; Window top left corner in windowed mode
[Graphics DX11]
border=0 ; window border?
deviceIdx=0 ; which adapter
displayRotateMode=1 ; 0-auto, 1-landscale, 2-landscape inv, 3-portrait, 4-portrait inv
fullScreen=1 ; fullscreen?
fullScreenDepth=32 ; Color depth
fullScreenHeight=1080 ; full screen Window's height
fullScreenWidth=5760 ; full screen Window's width
ModeScaling=0 ; 0=unspecified 1=centered 2=stretched
pixelRatio=1.000000 ; Full screen mode - Adjust for displays with non-square pixels
pixelRatioWindowed=1.000000 ; Windowed mode - Adjust for displays with non-square pixels
RefreshRate=60.000000 ; Refresh Rate
UseCoherentUI=0 ; Use Coherent UI?
windowedAlignment=0 ; windowed mode alignment: 0 - none, 1 - center, 2 - top left
windowedHeight=1080 ; windowed mode height
windowedMaximized=0 ; Window is maximized in windowed mode
windowedWidth=5760 ; windowed mode width
windowedXPos=0 ; Window top left corner in windowed mode
windowedYPos=0 ; Window top left corner in windowed mode
dateFormat=0 ; Ordering of month, day, year
systemOfMeasurement=1 ; System of measurement used
[Main Screen]
blackBox=-1 ; Which black box to display
enableLegacyTelemetry=0 ; Set to 1 to turn legacy telemetry support on.
garageAutoApply=1 ; automatically hit the apply button after five seconds of inactivity.
irsdkLogSetup=1 ; Log the current setup to telemetry
showIncidentMessagesWhileDriving=1 ; Show Incident messages while driving
showJoinLeave=1 ; Show player join/leave messages
showSysMessagesWhileDriving=1 ; Show system messages while driving
showUserMessagesWhileDriving=1 ; Show user chat messages while driving
EnableTicker=0 ; set to 1 to turn on ticker when session UI is disabled
[Pit Service]
autoResetFastRepair=1 ; Automatically request fast repair service once your vehicle exits pit road
autoResetPitBox=1 ; Automatically request full pit service once your vehicle exits pit road
askToSaveOnQuit=0 ; Ask to save the replay before quitting via the [Quit] button??
maxFramesToSearchPerUpdate=2048 ; Maximum # of frames to search per update
noRpyCtrlsOnNumpad=0 ; Remove all default replay controls mapped to number pad
pauseReplayOnExit=0 ; Pause replay when exiting your car.
repeatedSearchDelay=400 ; Min milliseconds betweeen successful long-search completions
replayPatchRemoteCars=1 ; update remote car positions in replay based on server data
spoolingEnabled=1 ; enable replay spooling?
spoolOnlyIfDiskFreeMB=1024 ; 0=don't check, otherwise must have this many MB free disk or spooling won't enable
spoolRecordingToDiry= ; If spooling recording, write tmp file into this directory
spoolTapeSizePct=25 ; % of allowed memory to use for the spool buffer (0=min,100=max)
spoolTmpFilesNamed=0 ; use different file names for each spooled .tmp file?
carLowHiPadding=0.500000 ; How much clearance, front and back in meters, to give a car before reporting it as clear
enabled=1 ; Is the spotter enabled at all?
reportLapsEnabled=1 ; Enable spotter calls out lap times
reportLapsMinute=1 ; Call out the minute when calling the time
reportLapsMode_n=0 ; Spotter calls out lap times, 0 - time, 1 - avg speed
reportLapsPrecision=3 ; How much precision to display lap times with
text=1 ; Does the spotter display text messages?
verbosity=2 ; How chatty is the spotter?
voice=1 ; Does the spotter talk to you?
voicePack=JJ Spotter-Cuss Pack v6.60 ; Voice pack for spotter, leave blank for default spotter
defaultShotMode=3 ; default target to focus on when spectating
comparisonLapFileName= ; User specified split delta file used for comparison
deltaBarDisplayDeltabar=1 ; Show the delta bar when displaying split time or ghost car
deltaBarDisplayLaps=7 ; Reference lap to compare against while driving, 0 disables the reference lap.
deltaBarDisplayRefCar=0 ; If 1 display a reference car on track that you can race against. This may not be enabled in all sessions.
deltaBarRangeOval=0.500000 ; delta bar range as +/- N seconds when at an oval
deltaBarRangeRoad=2.000000 ; delta bar range as +/- N seconds when at a road course
disableAtRaceStart=1 ; If 1 disable the split time at start of race, you can manually enable it again later.
fadeGhostCarWhenClose=1 ; If 1 then increase the ghost car transparency as you drive near it.
ghostCarOffsetSec=0.300000 ; How many seconds to offset the ghost car by.
ghostCarTransp=0.350000 ; Set level of transparency for ghost car (reference lap car).
tiltInvertX=0 ; Invert the tilt steering axis
tiltInvertY=0 ; Invert the tilt gas/brake axis
tiltMaxAngleX=95.000000 ; changes tilt sensitivity for the steering axis
tiltMaxAngleY=30.000000 ; changes tilt sensitivity for the gas/brake axis
tiltSensorEnable=1 ; Set to false to stop detection of tilt sensors
useOrientationSensor=1 ; Choose between the orientation sensor or the accelerometer
enableMouseWhileDriving=1 ; Enable the mouse controls in the driving screen
touchCenterOnFirstTouchX=0 ; Center x of control set by first touch
touchCenterOnFirstTouchY=1 ; Center y of control set by first touch
touchComboHeight=0.150000 ; Height, as a percent of screen width, of the center combination touch drive input
touchComboUseSingleCursor=1 ; use a single cursor on the x/y combo control
touchComboWidth=0.400000 ; Width, as a percent of screen width, of the center combination touch drive input
touchFalloff=0.016000 ; How fast the touch control will return to its neutral setting once released
touchLockMouseOnClick=1 ; click once to activate mouse driving control, click again to release it
touchSideEdgeOffset=0.020000 ; How close to the edge of the display are the left/right touch driving input, when using a horizontal orientation
touchSideGasIsVertical=1 ; Orient the (right) gas/brake input zone vertically or horizontally
touchSideHeight=0.150000 ; Height, as a percent of screen width, of the left/right touch drive inputs, when using vert orientation
touchSideHideOnMouse=1 ; hide the side controls when touch not active
touchSideSteeringIsVertical=0 ; Orient the (left) steering input zone vertically or horizontally
touchSideWidth=0.200000 ; Width, as a percent of screen width, of the left/right touch drive inputs, when using a horizontal orientation
touchUseMouseRelativeMode=1 ; If true, then use a relative mouse mode, otherwise use absolute
screenshotFileFormat=0 ; Screenshot file format, 0 = png, 1 = jpg, 2 = bmp
videoCaptureEnable=1 ; Set to 0 to disable loading of video capture module
videoCaptureMic=0 ; Set to 1 to capture audio from your microphone
videoFileFormat=3 ; Video encoder container, 1 = wmv, 2 = avi2, 3 = avi
videoFramerate=1 ; Video framerate, 0 = 60 fps, 1 = 30 fps
videoImgSize=1 ; Video max dimensions, 0 = auto, 1=1920x1080, 2=1280x720, 3=854x480
cockpitLookAngle=65.000000 ; Angle in degrees to rotate head when looking left/right
cockpitLookDeadZone=0.050000 ; 0-1 value for deadzone. 0 is no deadzone.
cockpitLookDownAngle=20.000000 ; Angle in degrees to tilt head when looking down
cockpitLookInstant=1 ; does digital look left/right/up/down switch instantly, or transition smoothly?
cockpitLookSmoothingTime=0.055556 ; Time value (secs) used in joystick smoothing
cockpitLookUpAngle=15.000000 ; Angle in degrees to tilt head when looking up
DriverHeadHorizon=0.100000 ; Percent to allow the drivers head to stay level with the horizon when the car tilts.
DriverHeadNoPitch=0.100000 ; Percent to allow the drivers head to stay level with the horizon when the car pitches.
DriverHeadWobble=1.000000 ; Percent to allow the drivers head to wobble when going over bumps.
driverHeightAdj=0.000000 ; Range -0.050m to 0.050m (approx. +/- 2 in.)
DriverRotateHead=0.100000 ; Percent to rotate drivers head with slip angle. 0 to 1 with 1 being 100%
drivingCamFOV=135.000000 ; driving camera field of view
DrivingVanishY=-0.120000 ; Shift the driving view up/down to make it easier to see the dash.
virtualMirrorFOV=85.000000 ; virtual mirror field of view
[XXX Dev Use Only]
CPUMeter=0 ; Include the sim-thread's CPU usage in the L/Q/S meter group?
CPUMeterAsText=0 ; Show CPU meter as ms in text?
dbgTextBG= ; r,g,b[,a]
dbgTextFG= ; r,g,b[,a]
MaskFPUExceptionsBG=0 ; 1=mask floating point errors (realtime)
MaskFPUExceptionsFG=0 ; 1=mask floating point errors (graphics)
maxAllowedHangTimeSecondsBG=0 ; 0=disable (realtime)
maxAllowedHangTimeSecondsFG=0 ; 0=disable (renderering)
xHeight=1080 ;
xTilesAcross=1 ; mosaic
xWidth=5760 ; must be multiple of 4*xTilesAcross!
My app.ini 2016s2 (DX11):
allowHardwareStreams=1 ; try to use hardware streams if available
devMicrophoneAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSPCCAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSPCCDevName=System Default ; Name of the sound device
devSpeakerAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSpeakerDevName=System Default ; Name of the sound device
devVoiceChatAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devVoiceChatDevName=Realtek HD Audio 2nd output (Realtek High Definition Audio) ; Name of the sound device
devVoiceChatDxDefault=0 ; DirectSound: 0 = specified device, 1 = default device
devVoiceChatDxId={D671316A-9C31-4460-8B7B-826D41434FA5} ; DirectSound: Identifier for the seleted sound device
dimensions=3 ; 1 = mono, 2 = stereo, 3 = surround
loudnessAmbient=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for ambient noise in dB
loudnessCrash=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for scrapes and crashes in dB
loudnessEngine=-5.100000 ; Volume adjustment for engines in dB
loudnessReplay=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for overall replay volume versus driving volume in dB
loudnessSPCC=-12.000000 ; Volume adjustment for spotter noise in dB
loudnessTires=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for tires in dB
loudnessVoiceChat=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for voice chat noise in dB
loudnessWind=-1.000000 ; Volume adjustment for wind in dB
masterVolumedB=0.000000 ; Master volume adjustment in dB, range is -120 dB to 0 dB
micAlwaysActive=1 ; Set this to 0 if your graphics stutter when a microphone is configured, but doing so may cause worse stutters while recording for voice chat
muteWhenFocusLost=0 ; set this to 0 to hear sim sounds when another program has the keyboard focus
numSoundStreams=-1 ; Maximum number of audible sounds
overrideSpccRate=0 ; If set to 1, the spotter sounds will be resampled to play back at the general sample rate. This is a compatibility fix for sound cards with limited playback rates and is not recommended for general use.
overrideVoiceChatRate=0 ; If set to 1, void chat will be resampled to play back at the general sample rate. This is a compatibility fix for sound cards with limited playback rates and is not recommended for general use.
sampleRate=48000 ; sample rate to run sound system at
stereoStreamInSurroundBalance=1.000000 ; stereo streams (the engine) in surround mode need a system specific adjustment to match volume with surround streams
voiceChatEnabled=1 ; Enable or Disable Voice Chat.
voiceChatEnabledWhileDriving=1 ; Enable voice chat while driving.
voiceChatMuted=0 ; Mute voice chat - overrides voiceChatVolume.
voiceChatNotificationStyle=1 ; Voice chat notification style.
[Autochat Messages]
AutoChatStr1=Pitting In$ ; Auto chat message, use $ at the end to auto transmit without hitting enter
AutoChatStr10=!clear 99 Shut up, crazy fool!$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr11=#lf rf lr rr ws fuel 500g$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr12=#rf rr$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr13=#lf rf lr rr$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr14=#fuel 2g$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr15=Tips & links...$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr2=Pitting Out$ ; Auto chat message,
AutoChatStr3=Pass Left$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr4=Pass Right$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr5=Sorry$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr6=Thanks$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr7=np$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr8=lol$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr9=#clear fr$ ; Auto chat message
autoShotSelection=1 ; Automatically switch cameras based on shot quality
camTempEdit=0 ; don't save edits to cameras, useful for 'live' edits
ctrlIncAccel=1 ; use acceleration when adjusting cameras
ctrlIncScalar=10.000000 ; scalar to use when selecting fast move mode
ctrlIncScalarApply=0 ; enable fast move mode (10x)
ctrlIncVal=1.000000 ; step size when adjusting cameras
focusIncALin=6.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog focus controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
focusIncAScalar=10.000000 ; adjust focus adjustment speed for analog controls
fovIncALin=4.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog FOV controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
fovIncAScalar=20.000000 ; adjust FOV adjustment speed for analog controls
linearPanBlend=0.000000 ; 0.0 - pan slows down with increased zoom, 1.0 - pan remains constant
rotIncALin=4.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog rotation (yaw,pitch,roll) controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
rotIncAScalar=4.000000 ; adjust rotation (yaw,pitch,roll) adjustment speed for analog controls
showCamMode=0 ; display cameras in world, 0-Live, 1-Wide, 2-Front, 3-Side, 4-Top
transIncALin=4.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog translation (x,y,z) controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
transIncAScalar=4.000000 ; adjust translation (x,y,z) adjustment speed for analog controls
SkipInvalidResults=0 ; In looping qualify, skip over results display if no valid lap time
[Drive Screen]
blackBox=2 ; Which black box to display
blackBoxPitStop=2 ; Which pit stop black box to display
resetCanExitCar=1 ; Does pressing reset exit the car while in the pit stall?
showRadioControls=1 ; Display the radio channel control while driving?
showSpeedGearControls=1 ; Display the Speed / Gear / Pedals / Wheel black box?
showSystemMeters=1 ; Display the FPS / Network black box?
showVideoTimer=0 ; Display a clock on the screen that can be used to syncronize live video with a replay
UIOffsetBottomPct=0 ; Shift bottom of UI up by specified percent
arxDisplayPack=ir_hud ; What display to show on the Logitech ARX client.
enableLogitechARX=1 ; Enable Logitech ARX client to create a digital dash on your smartphone
enableLogitechLED=1 ; Animate the backlights on Logitech devices
phoneCanSteer=1 ; Allow phone device to act as a steering wheel
[Force Feedback]
allowXBoxOneOnWin10=0 ; Set to 1 to talk to xbox one game pads on windows 10, warning the driver is buggy
alwaysRestartFX=0 ; Always restart force when updating it, set to true if wheel goes limp after a while
centerSpringPct=-1 ; Percent (0-100) of static centering spring force to apply, -1 is off. Not reccomended for use.
clipRangeToLogical=1 ; Set to 1 to limit the reported range to the logical min/max values
damperMode=0 ; Set damper effect type 0 = Damper 1 = Inertia 2 = Friction
damperSaturation=10000 ; Set damper saturation from 0 to 10000
dampingSliderSetsFriction=1 ; True if damping slider adjust friction effect, false to adjust wheels built in damping effect
debounceSeq_Ms=50 ; Add delay in Milliseconds to sequential shifter to reduce double shifts
disableAutoCenter=1 ; Turn auto center off on all force feedback devices
displayLinearInNm=0 ; Display the force level in peak Nm when using the linear mode
enableFanatecWheelDisplay=1 ; Enable the use of Fanatec wheel displays
enableG27WheelDisplay=1 ; Enable use of shift indicators on the G27 and clones
enableHotPlug=1 ; Set to 0 to turn off usb hot plugging in case you have usb disconnect issues
enableWheelDisplayBlink=1 ; Enable the display lights to blink when at the rev limit
FFBAlwaysReset=1 ; Reset the force feedback every time you enter your car, may help with some wheels.
FFBUseSimpleMinForce=0 ; 0 - Use smoothed min force, 1 - use old sharp min force
forceNoiseSuppression=0 ; Remove noisy joystick axis, even if they are calibrated by hand
initialMoveThreshold=30 ; Minimal amount of motion needed to detect initial movement of a joystick when calibrating
initOnlyNewDevices=1 ; Set to 0 to force all devices to reinitialize when a device change is detected
invertFFBForce=0 ; Reverse the force feedback effects, if your wheel is spinning the wrong way
reinitFanatecWheelDisplay=0 ; reinitialize the fanatec wheel display when reconnecting devices this may cause issues
seperateXBox360Triggers=1 ; Set to 1 to seperate the XBox 360 joystick triggers into there own axes
steeringBumpStop_Deg=15.000000 ; degrees into bump stop before max force
steeringDampingFactor=0.050000 ; Damping factor adjust down if damping becomes unstable, defautlt to 0.05
steeringDampingMaxPercent=0.000000 ; Maximum amount of damping to apply, adjust this to set damping level, values between 0.05 and 0.2 are best, overriden by damping slider
steeringDampingParkedMaxPercent=0.200000 ; Maximum amount of damping to apply when parked, adjust this to reduce wheel oscilation when parked, values between 0.05 and 0.30 are best
steeringFFBSmooth=0.800000 ; Percent of current FFB force to use vs average force, 1.0 = no average 0.001 = max average
steeringForceParkedPct=0.500000 ; Reduce FFB force by percent when parked, to help reduce oscilations
border=0 ; window border?
deviceIdx=0 ; which adapter
displayRotateMode=1 ; 0-auto, 1-landscale, 2-landscape inv, 3-portrait, 4-portrait inv
DriveUIFullScreen=0 ; Let triple headed driving UI expand to fill full display
DriveUITransparency=1.000000 ; Adjust driving UI transparency up or down
eflapCarTransp=0.150000 ; Set level of transparency for reference lap car.
forceVisibleWhenMove=1 ; Force all movable controls to become visible when moving UI elements
fullScreen=1 ; fullscreen?
fullScreenDepth=32 ; Color depth
fullScreenHeight=1080 ; full screen Window's height
fullScreenWidth=5760 ; full screen Window's width
hideCarNum=0 ; Hide car numbers and other decals in test sessions, so you can paint your own versions.
KeepUIHiddenOnFocus=0 ; If set to 1 then the UI can only be enabled with the space bar and not a mouse click
maxParticleThreads=6 ; #workers (1 to 6)
particleThreadPriorityAdjust=0 ; belowNormal=-1 normal=0 aboveNormal=1
pixelRatio=1.000000 ; Full screen mode - Adjust for displays with non-square pixels
pixelRatioWindowed=1.000000 ; Windowed mode - Adjust for displays with non-square pixels
reduceFramerateWhenFocusLost=0 ; set this to 0 to maintain full framerate when another program has the keyboard focus
serverTransmitMaxCars=63 ; Limit number of cars transmitted to client (values from 10 to 64)
SessionUIFullScreen=0 ; Let triple headed session UI expand to fill full display
SessionUITransparency=1.000000 ; Adjust session UI transparency up or down
UseCoherentUI=0 ; Use Coherent UI?
windowedAlignment=0 ; windowed mode alignment: 0 - none, 1 - center, 2 - top left
windowedHeight=1080 ; windowed mode height
windowedMaximized=0 ; Window is maximized in windowed mode
windowedWidth=5760 ; windowed mode width
windowedXPos=-8 ; Window top left corner in windowed mode
windowedYPos=-30 ; Window top left corner in windowed mode
[Graphics DX11]
border=0 ; window border?
deviceIdx=0 ; which adapter
displayRotateMode=1 ; 0-auto, 1-landscale, 2-landscape inv, 3-portrait, 4-portrait inv
fullScreen=1 ; fullscreen?
fullScreenDepth=32 ; Color depth
fullScreenHeight=1080 ; full screen Window's height
fullScreenWidth=5760 ; full screen Window's width
pixelRatio=1.000000 ; Full screen mode - Adjust for displays with non-square pixels
pixelRatioWindowed=1.000000 ; Windowed mode - Adjust for displays with non-square pixels
RefreshRate=60.000000 ; Refresh Rate
UseCoherentUI=0 ; Use Coherent UI?
windowedAlignment=0 ; windowed mode alignment: 0 - none, 1 - center, 2 - top left
windowedHeight=1080 ; windowed mode height
windowedMaximized=0 ; Window is maximized in windowed mode
windowedWidth=5760 ; windowed mode width
windowedXPos=0 ; Window top left corner in windowed mode
windowedYPos=0 ; Window top left corner in windowed mode
dateFormat=0 ; Ordering of month, day, year
systemOfMeasurement=1 ; System of measurement used
[Main Screen]
blackBox=-1 ; Which black box to display
enableLegacyTelemetry=0 ; Set to 1 to turn legacy telemetry support on.
garageAutoApply=1 ; automatically hit the apply button after five seconds of inactivity.
irsdkLogSetup=1 ; Log the current setup to telemetry
showIncidentMessagesWhileDriving=1 ; Show Incident messages while driving
showJoinLeave=1 ; Show player join/leave messages
showSysMessagesWhileDriving=1 ; Show system messages while driving
showUserMessagesWhileDriving=1 ; Show user chat messages while driving
EnableTicker=0 ; set to 1 to turn on ticker when session UI is disabled
[Pit Service]
autoResetFastRepair=1 ; Automatically request fast repair service once your vehicle exits pit road
autoResetPitBox=1 ; Automatically request full pit service once your vehicle exits pit road
askToSaveOnQuit=0 ; Ask to save the replay before quitting via the [Quit] button??
maxFramesToSearchPerUpdate=2048 ; Maximum # of frames to search per update
noRpyCtrlsOnNumpad=0 ; Remove all default replay controls mapped to number pad
pauseReplayOnExit=0 ; Pause replay when exiting your car.
repeatedSearchDelay=400 ; Min milliseconds betweeen successful long-search completions
replayPatchRemoteCars=1 ; update remote car positions in replay based on server data
spoolingEnabled=1 ; enable replay spooling?
spoolOnlyIfDiskFreeMB=1024 ; 0=don't check, otherwise must have this many MB free disk or spooling won't enable
spoolRecordingToDiry= ; If spooling recording, write tmp file into this directory
spoolTapeSizePct=25 ; % of allowed memory to use for the spool buffer (0=min,100=max)
spoolTmpFilesNamed=0 ; use different file names for each spooled .tmp file?
carLowHiPadding=0.250000 ; How much clearance, front and back in meters, to give a car before reporting it as clear
enabled=1 ; Is the spotter enabled at all?
reportLapsEnabled=1 ; Enable spotter calls out lap times
reportLapsMinute=1 ; Call out the minute when calling the time
reportLapsMode_n=0 ; Spotter calls out lap times, 0 - time, 1 - avg speed
reportLapsPrecision=3 ; How much precision to display lap times with
text=1 ; Does the spotter display text messages?
verbosity=2 ; How chatty is the spotter?
voice=1 ; Does the spotter talk to you?
voicePack=JJ Spotter-Cuss Pack v6.52 ; Voice pack for spotter, leave blank for default spotter
defaultShotMode=3 ; default target to focus on when spectating
comparisonLapFileName= ; User specified split delta file used for comparison
deltaBarDisplayDeltabar=1 ; Show the delta bar when displaying split time or ghost car
deltaBarDisplayLaps=7 ; Reference lap to compare against while driving, 0 disables the reference lap.
deltaBarDisplayRefCar=0 ; If 1 display a reference car on track that you can race against. This may not be enabled in all sessions.
deltaBarRangeOval=0.500000 ; delta bar range as +/- N seconds when at an oval
deltaBarRangeRoad=2.000000 ; delta bar range as +/- N seconds when at a road course
disableAtRaceStart=1 ; If 1 disable the split time at start of race, you can manually enable it again later.
fadeGhostCarWhenClose=1 ; If 1 then increase the ghost car transparency as you drive near it.
ghostCarOffsetSec=0.300000 ; How many seconds to offset the ghost car by.
ghostCarTransp=0.350000 ; Set level of transparency for ghost car (reference lap car).
tiltInvertX=0 ; Invert the tilt steering axis
tiltInvertY=0 ; Invert the tilt gas/brake axis
tiltMaxAngleX=90.000000 ; changes tilt sensitivity for the steering axis
tiltMaxAngleY=30.000000 ; changes tilt sensitivity for the gas/brake axis
tiltSensorEnable=1 ; Set to false to stop detection of tilt sensors
useOrientationSensor=1 ; Choose between the orientation sensor or the accelerometer
enableMouseWhileDriving=1 ; Enable the mouse controls in the driving screen
touchCenterOnFirstTouchX=0 ; Center x of control set by first touch
touchCenterOnFirstTouchY=1 ; Center y of control set by first touch
touchComboHeight=0.150000 ; Height, as a percent of screen width, of the center combination touch drive input
touchComboUseSingleCursor=1 ; use a single cursor on the x/y combo control
touchComboWidth=0.400000 ; Width, as a percent of screen width, of the center combination touch drive input
touchFalloff=0.016000 ; How fast the touch control will return to its neutral setting once released
touchLockMouseOnClick=1 ; click once to activate mouse driving control, click again to release it
touchSideEdgeOffset=0.020000 ; How close to the edge of the display are the left/right touch driving input, when using a horizontal orientation
touchSideGasIsVertical=1 ; Orient the (right) gas/brake input zone vertically or horizontally
touchSideHeight=0.150000 ; Height, as a percent of screen width, of the left/right touch drive inputs, when using vert orientation
touchSideHideOnMouse=1 ; hide the side controls when touch not active
touchSideSteeringIsVertical=0 ; Orient the (left) steering input zone vertically or horizontally
touchSideWidth=0.200000 ; Width, as a percent of screen width, of the left/right touch drive inputs, when using a horizontal orientation
touchUseMouseRelativeMode=1 ; If true, then use a relative mouse mode, otherwise use absolute
screenshotFileFormat=0 ; Screenshot file format, 0 = png, 1 = jpg, 2 = bmp
videoCaptureEnable=0 ; Set to 0 to disable loading of video capture module
videoCaptureMic=0 ; Set to 1 to capture audio from your microphone
videoFileFormat=1 ; Video encoder container, 1 = wmv, 2 = avi2, 3 = avi
videoFramerate=1 ; Video framerate, 0 = 60 fps, 1 = 30 fps
videoImgSize=2 ; Video max dimensions, 0 = auto, 1=1920x1080, 2=1280x720, 3=854x480
cockpitLookAngle=65.000000 ; Angle in degrees to rotate head when looking left/right
cockpitLookDeadZone=0.050000 ; 0-1 value for deadzone. 0 is no deadzone.
cockpitLookDownAngle=20.000000 ; Angle in degrees to tilt head when looking down
cockpitLookInstant=1 ; does digital look left/right/up/down switch instantly, or transition smoothly?
cockpitLookSmoothingTime=0.055556 ; Time value (secs) used in joystick smoothing
cockpitLookUpAngle=15.000000 ; Angle in degrees to tilt head when looking up
DriverHeadHorizon=0.100000 ; Percent to allow the drivers head to stay level with the horizon when the car tilts.
DriverHeadNoPitch=0.100000 ; Percent to allow the drivers head to stay level with the horizon when the car pitches.
DriverHeadWobble=1.000000 ; Percent to allow the drivers head to wobble when going over bumps.
driverHeightAdj=0.000000 ; Range -0.050m to 0.050m (approx. +/- 2 in.)
DriverRotateHead=0.100000 ; Percent to rotate drivers head with slip angle. 0 to 1 with 1 being 100%
drivingCamFOV=130.000000 ; driving camera field of view
DrivingVanishY=-0.120000 ; Shift the driving view up/down to make it easier to see the dash.
virtualMirrorFOV=85.000000 ; virtual mirror field of view
[XXX Dev Use Only]
CPUMeter=0 ; Include the sim-thread's CPU usage in the L/Q/S meter group?
CPUMeterAsText=0 ; Show CPU meter as ms in text?
dbgTextBG= ; r,g,b[,a]
dbgTextFG= ; r,g,b[,a]
MaskFPUExceptionsBG=0 ; 1=mask floating point errors (realtime)
MaskFPUExceptionsFG=0 ; 1=mask floating point errors (graphics)
maxAllowedHangTimeSecondsBG=0 ; 0=disable (realtime)
maxAllowedHangTimeSecondsFG=0 ; 0=disable (renderering)
xHeight=1080 ;
xTilesAcross=1 ; mosaic
xWidth=5760 ; must be multiple of 4*xTilesAcross!
My app.ini 2016s2 (DX9):
allowHardwareStreams=1 ; try to use hardware streams if available
devMicrophoneAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSPCCAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSPCCDevName=Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) ; Name of the sound device
devSPCCDxDefault=0 ; DirectSound: 0 = specified device, 1 = default device
devSPCCDxId={F0F94755-F422-47D2-83F4-30F743712C77} ; DirectSound: Identifier for the seleted sound device
devSpeakerAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSpeakerDevName=System Default ; Name of the sound device
devVoiceChatAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devVoiceChatDevName=Realtek HD Audio 2nd output (Realtek High Definition Audio) ; Name of the sound device
devVoiceChatDxDefault=0 ; DirectSound: 0 = specified device, 1 = default device
devVoiceChatDxId={D671316A-9C31-4460-8B7B-826D41434FA5} ; DirectSound: Identifier for the seleted sound device
dimensions=3 ; 1 = mono, 2 = stereo, 3 = surround
loudnessAmbient=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for ambient noise in dB
loudnessCrash=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for scrapes and crashes in dB
loudnessEngine=-3.400000 ; Volume adjustment for engines in dB
loudnessReplay=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for overall replay volume versus driving volume in dB
loudnessSPCC=-12.000000 ; Volume adjustment for spotter noise in dB
loudnessTires=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for tires in dB
loudnessVoiceChat=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for voice chat noise in dB
loudnessWind=-1.000000 ; Volume adjustment for wind in dB
masterVolumedB=0.000000 ; Master volume adjustment in dB, range is -120 dB to 0 dB
micAlwaysActive=1 ; Set this to 0 if your graphics stutter when a microphone is configured, but doing so may cause worse stutters while recording for voice chat
muteWhenFocusLost=0 ; set this to 0 to hear sim sounds when another program has the keyboard focus
numSoundStreams=-1 ; Maximum number of audible sounds
overrideSpccRate=0 ; If set to 1, the spotter sounds will be resampled to play back at the general sample rate. This is a compatibility fix for sound cards with limited playback rates and is not recommended for general use.
overrideVoiceChatRate=0 ; If set to 1, void chat will be resampled to play back at the general sample rate. This is a compatibility fix for sound cards with limited playback rates and is not recommended for general use.
sampleRate=48000 ; sample rate to run sound system at
stereoStreamInSurroundBalance=1.000000 ; stereo streams (the engine) in surround mode need a system specific adjustment to match volume with surround streams
voiceChatEnabled=1 ; Enable or Disable Voice Chat.
voiceChatEnabledWhileDriving=1 ; Enable voice chat while driving.
voiceChatMuted=0 ; Mute voice chat - overrides voiceChatVolume.
voiceChatNotificationStyle=1 ; Voice chat notification style.
[Autochat Messages]
AutoChatStr1=Pitting In$ ; Auto chat message, use $ at the end to auto transmit without hitting enter
AutoChatStr10=!clear 99 Shut up, crazy fool!$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr11=#lf rf lr rr ws fuel 500g$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr12=#rf rr$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr13=#lf rf lr rr$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr14=#fuel 2g$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr15=Tips & links...$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr2=Pitting Out$ ; Auto chat message,
AutoChatStr3=Pass Left$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr4=Pass Right$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr5=Sorry$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr6=Thanks$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr7=np$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr8=lol$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr9=#clear fr$ ; Auto chat message
autoShotSelection=1 ; Automatically switch cameras based on shot quality
camTempEdit=0 ; don't save edits to cameras, useful for 'live' edits
ctrlIncAccel=1 ; use acceleration when adjusting cameras
ctrlIncScalar=10.000000 ; scalar to use when selecting fast move mode
ctrlIncScalarApply=0 ; enable fast move mode (10x)
ctrlIncVal=1.000000 ; step size when adjusting cameras
focusIncALin=6.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog focus controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
focusIncAScalar=10.000000 ; adjust focus adjustment speed for analog controls
fovIncALin=4.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog FOV controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
fovIncAScalar=20.000000 ; adjust FOV adjustment speed for analog controls
linearPanBlend=0.000000 ; 0.0 - pan slows down with increased zoom, 1.0 - pan remains constant
rotIncALin=4.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog rotation (yaw,pitch,roll) controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
rotIncAScalar=4.000000 ; adjust rotation (yaw,pitch,roll) adjustment speed for analog controls
showCamMode=0 ; display cameras in world, 0-Live, 1-Wide, 2-Front, 3-Side, 4-Top
transIncALin=4.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog translation (x,y,z) controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
transIncAScalar=4.000000 ; adjust translation (x,y,z) adjustment speed for analog controls
SkipInvalidResults=0 ; In looping qualify, skip over results display if no valid lap time
[Drive Screen]
blackBox=2 ; Which black box to display
blackBoxPitStop=1 ; Which pit stop black box to display
resetCanExitCar=1 ; Does pressing reset exit the car while in the pit stall?
showRadioControls=1 ; Display the radio channel control while driving?
showSpeedGearControls=1 ; Display the Speed / Gear / Pedals / Wheel black box?
showSystemMeters=1 ; Display the FPS / Network black box?
showVideoTimer=0 ; Display a clock on the screen that can be used to syncronize live video with a replay
UIOffsetBottomPct=0 ; Shift bottom of UI up by specified percent
arxDisplayPack=ir_hud ; What display to show on the Logitech ARX client.
enableLogitechARX=1 ; Enable Logitech ARX client to create a digital dash on your smartphone
enableLogitechLED=1 ; Animate the backlights on Logitech devices
phoneCanSteer=1 ; Allow phone device to act as a steering wheel
[Force Feedback]
alwaysRestartFX=0 ; Always restart force when updating it, set to true if wheel goes limp after a while
centerSpringPct=-1 ; Percent (0-100) of static centering spring force to apply, -1 is off. Not reccomended for use.
clipRangeToLogical=1 ; Set to 1 to limit the reported range to the logical min/max values
damperMode=0 ; Set damper effect type 0 = Damper 1 = Inertia 2 = Friction
damperSaturation=10000 ; Set damper saturation from 0 to 10000
dampingSliderSetsFriction=1 ; True if damping slider adjust friction effect, false to adjust wheels built in damping effect
debounceSeq_Ms=50 ; Add delay in Milliseconds to sequential shifter to reduce double shifts
disableAutoCenter=1 ; Turn auto center off on all force feedback devices
displayLinearInNm=0 ; Display the force level in peak Nm when using the linear mode
enableFanatecWheelDisplay=1 ; Enable the use of Fanatec wheel displays
enableG27WheelDisplay=1 ; Enable use of shift indicators on the G27 and clones
enableHotPlug=1 ; Set to 0 to turn off usb hot plugging in case you have usb disconnect issues
enableWheelDisplayBlink=1 ; Enable the display lights to blink when at the rev limit
FFBAlwaysReset=1 ; Reset the force feedback every time you enter your car, may help with some wheels.
FFBUseSimpleMinForce=0 ; 0 - Use smoothed min force, 1 - use old sharp min force
forceNoiseSuppression=0 ; Remove noisy joystick axis, even if they are calibrated by hand
initialMoveThreshold=30 ; Minimal amount of motion needed to detect initial movement of a joystick when calibrating
initOnlyNewDevices=1 ; Set to 0 to force all devices to reinitialize when a device change is detected
invertFFBForce=0 ; Reverse the force feedback effects, if your wheel is spinning the wrong way
reinitFanatecWheelDisplay=0 ; reinitialize the fanatec wheel display when reconnecting devices this may cause issues
seperateXBox360Triggers=1 ; Set to 1 to seperate the XBox 360 joystick triggers into there own axes
steeringBumpStop_Deg=15.000000 ; degrees into bump stop before max force
steeringDampingFactor=0.050000 ; Damping factor adjust down if damping becomes unstable, defautlt to 0.05
steeringDampingMaxPercent=0.000000 ; Maximum amount of damping to apply, adjust this to set damping level, values between 0.05 and 0.2 are best, overriden by damping slider
steeringDampingParkedMaxPercent=0.200000 ; Maximum amount of damping to apply when parked, adjust this to reduce wheel oscilation when parked, values between 0.05 and 0.30 are best
steeringFFBSmooth=0.800000 ; Percent of current FFB force to use vs average force, 1.0 = no average 0.001 = max average
steeringForceParkedPct=0.500000 ; Reduce FFB force by percent when parked, to help reduce oscilations
border=0 ; window border?
deviceIdx=0 ; which adapter
displayRotateMode=1 ; 0-auto, 1-landscale, 2-landscape inv, 3-portrait, 4-portrait inv
DriveUIFullScreen=0 ; Let triple headed driving UI expand to fill full display
DriveUITransparency=1.000000 ; Adjust driving UI transparency up or down
eflapCarTransp=0.150000 ; Set level of transparency for reference lap car.
forceVisibleWhenMove=1 ; Force all movable controls to become visible when moving UI elements
fullScreen=1 ; fullscreen?
fullScreenDepth=32 ; Color depth
fullScreenHeight=1080 ; full screen Window's height
fullScreenWidth=5760 ; full screen Window's width
hideCarNum=0 ; Hide car numbers and other decals in test sessions, so you can paint your own versions.
KeepUIHiddenOnFocus=0 ; If set to 1 then the UI can only be enabled with the space bar and not a mouse click
pixelRatio=1.000000 ; Full screen mode - Adjust for displays with non-square pixels
pixelRatioWindowed=1.000000 ; Windowed mode - Adjust for displays with non-square pixels
reduceFramerateWhenFocusLost=0 ; set this to 0 to maintain full framerate when another program has the keyboard focus
serverTransmitMaxCars=63 ; Limit number of cars transmitted to client (values from 10 to 64)
SessionUIFullScreen=0 ; Let triple headed session UI expand to fill full display
SessionUITransparency=1.000000 ; Adjust session UI transparency up or down
UseCoherentUI=0 ; Use Coherent UI?
windowedAlignment=0 ; windowed mode alignment: 0 - none, 1 - center, 2 - top left
windowedHeight=1080 ; windowed mode height
windowedMaximized=0 ; Window is maximized in windowed mode
windowedWidth=5760 ; windowed mode width
windowedXPos=-8 ; Window top left corner in windowed mode
windowedYPos=-30 ; Window top left corner in windowed mode
dateFormat=0 ; Ordering of month, day, year
systemOfMeasurement=1 ; System of measurement used
[Main Screen]
blackBox=-1 ; Which black box to display
enableLegacyTelemetry=0 ; Set to 1 to turn legacy telemetry support on.
garageAutoApply=1 ; automatically hit the apply button after five seconds of inactivity.
irsdkLogSetup=1 ; Log the current setup to telemetry
showIncidentMessagesWhileDriving=1 ; Show Incident messages while driving
showJoinLeave=1 ; Show player join/leave messages
showSysMessagesWhileDriving=1 ; Show system messages while driving
showUserMessagesWhileDriving=1 ; Show user chat messages while driving
EnableTicker=0 ; set to 1 to turn on ticker when session UI is disabled
[Pit Service]
autoResetPitBox=1 ; Automatically request full pit service once your vehicle exits pit road
askToSaveOnQuit=0 ; Ask to save the replay before quitting via the [Quit] button??
maxFramesToSearchPerUpdate=2048 ; Maximum # of frames to search per update
noRpyCtrlsOnNumpad=0 ; Remove all default replay controls mapped to number pad
pauseReplayOnExit=0 ; Pause replay when exiting your car.
repeatedSearchDelay=400 ; Min milliseconds betweeen successful long-search completions
replayPatchRemoteCars=1 ; update remote car positions in replay based on server data
spoolingEnabled=1 ; enable replay spooling?
spoolOnlyIfDiskFreeMB=1024 ; 0=don't check, otherwise must have this many MB free disk or spooling won't enable
spoolRecordingToDiry= ; If spooling recording, write tmp file into this directory
spoolTapeSizePct=25 ; % of allowed memory to use for the spool buffer (0=min,100=max)
spoolTmpFilesNamed=0 ; use different file names for each spooled .tmp file?
carLowHiPadding=0.250000 ; How much clearance, front and back in meters, to give a car before reporting it as clear
enabled=1 ; Is the spotter enabled at all?
reportLapsEnabled=1 ; Enable spotter calls out lap times
reportLapsMinute=1 ; Call out the minute when calling the time
reportLapsMode_n=0 ; Spotter calls out lap times, 0 - time, 1 - avg speed
reportLapsPrecision=3 ; How much precision to display lap times with
text=1 ; Does the spotter display text messages?
verbosity=2 ; How chatty is the spotter?
voice=1 ; Does the spotter talk to you?
voicePack=JJ Spotter-Cuss Pack v6.52 ; Voice pack for spotter, leave blank for default spotter
defaultShotMode=3 ; default target to focus on when spectating
comparisonLapFileName= ; User specified split delta file used for comparison
deltaBarDisplayDeltabar=1 ; Show the delta bar when displaying split time or ghost car
deltaBarDisplayLaps=7 ; Reference lap to compare against while driving, 0 disables the reference lap.
deltaBarDisplayRefCar=0 ; If 1 display a reference car on track that you can race against. This may not be enabled in all sessions.
deltaBarRangeOval=0.500000 ; delta bar range as +/- N seconds when at an oval
deltaBarRangeRoad=2.000000 ; delta bar range as +/- N seconds when at a road course
disableAtRaceStart=1 ; If 1 disable the split time at start of race, you can manually enable it again later.
fadeGhostCarWhenClose=1 ; If 1 then increase the ghost car transparency as you drive near it.
ghostCarOffsetSec=0.300000 ; How many seconds to offset the ghost car by.
ghostCarTransp=0.350000 ; Set level of transparency for ghost car (reference lap car).
tiltInvertX=0 ; Invert the tilt steering axis
tiltInvertY=0 ; Invert the tilt gas/brake axis
tiltMaxAngleX=90.000000 ; changes tilt sensitivity for the steering axis
tiltMaxAngleY=30.000000 ; changes tilt sensitivity for the gas/brake axis
tiltSensorEnable=1 ; Set to false to stop detection of tilt sensors
useOrientationSensor=1 ; Choose between the orientation sensor or the accelerometer
enableMouseWhileDriving=1 ; Enable the mouse controls in the driving screen
touchCenterOnFirstTouchX=0 ; Center x of control set by first touch
touchCenterOnFirstTouchY=1 ; Center y of control set by first touch
touchComboHeight=0.150000 ; Height, as a percent of screen width, of the center combination touch drive input
touchComboUseSingleCursor=1 ; use a single cursor on the x/y combo control
touchComboWidth=0.400000 ; Width, as a percent of screen width, of the center combination touch drive input
touchFalloff=0.016000 ; How fast the touch control will return to its neutral setting once released
touchLockMouseOnClick=1 ; click once to activate mouse driving control, click again to release it
touchSideEdgeOffset=0.020000 ; How close to the edge of the display are the left/right touch driving input, when using a horizontal orientation
touchSideGasIsVertical=1 ; Orient the (right) gas/brake input zone vertically or horizontally
touchSideHeight=0.150000 ; Height, as a percent of screen width, of the left/right touch drive inputs, when using vert orientation
touchSideHideOnMouse=1 ; hide the side controls when touch not active
touchSideSteeringIsVertical=0 ; Orient the (left) steering input zone vertically or horizontally
touchSideWidth=0.200000 ; Width, as a percent of screen width, of the left/right touch drive inputs, when using a horizontal orientation
touchUseMouseRelativeMode=1 ; If true, then use a relative mouse mode, otherwise use absolute
screenshotFileFormat=0 ; Screenshot file format, 0 = png, 1 = jpg, 2 = bmp
videoCaptureEnabled=1 ; Set to 0 to disable loading of video capture module
videoCaptureMic=0 ; Set to 1 to capture audio from your microphone
videoFileFormat=1 ; Video encoder container, 1 = wmv, 2 = avi2, 3 = avi
videoFramerate=1 ; Video framerate, 0 = 60 fps, 1 = 30 fps
videoImgSize=2 ; Video max dimensions, 0 = auto, 1=1920x1080, 2=1280x720, 3=854x480
cockpitLookAngle=65.000000 ; Angle in degrees to rotate head when looking left/right
cockpitLookDeadZone=0.050000 ; 0-1 value for deadzone. 0 is no deadzone.
cockpitLookDownAngle=20.000000 ; Angle in degrees to tilt head when looking down
cockpitLookInstant=1 ; does digital look left/right/up/down switch instantly, or transition smoothly?
cockpitLookSmoothingTime=0.055556 ; Time value (secs) used in joystick smoothing
cockpitLookUpAngle=15.000000 ; Angle in degrees to tilt head when looking up
DriverHeadHorizon=0.100000 ; Percent to allow the drivers head to stay level with the horizon when the car tilts.
DriverHeadNoPitch=0.100000 ; Percent to allow the drivers head to stay level with the horizon when the car pitches.
DriverHeadWobble=1.000000 ; Percent to allow the drivers head to wobble when going over bumps.
driverHeightAdj=0.000000 ; Range -0.050m to 0.050m (approx. +/- 2 in.)
DriverRotateHead=0.100000 ; Percent to rotate drivers head with slip angle. 0 to 1 with 1 being 100%
drivingCamFOV=135.000000 ; driving camera field of view
DrivingVanishY=-0.120000 ; Shift the driving view up/down to make it easier to see the dash.
virtualMirrorFOV=85.000000 ; virtual mirror field of view
[XXX Dev Use Only]
CPUMeter=0 ; Include the sim-thread's CPU usage in the L/Q/S meter group?
CPUMeterAsText=0 ; Show CPU meter as ms in text?
dbgTextBG= ; r,g,b[,a]
dbgTextFG= ; r,g,b[,a]
MaskFPUExceptionsBG=0 ; 1=mask floating point errors (realtime)
MaskFPUExceptionsFG=0 ; 1=mask floating point errors (graphics)
xHeight=1080 ;
xTilesAcross=1 ; mosaic
xWidth=5760 ; must be multiple of 4*xTilesAcross!
My app.ini 2016s1:
allowHardwareStreams=1 ; try to use hardware streams if available
devMicrophoneAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSPCCAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSPCCDevName=Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) ; Name of the sound device
devSPCCDxDefault=0 ; DirectSound: 0 = specified device, 1 = default device
devSPCCDxId={F0F94755-F422-47D2-83F4-30F743712C77} ; DirectSound: Identifier for the seleted sound device
devSpeakerAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devVoiceChatAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devVoiceChatDevName=Realtek HD Audio 2nd output (Realtek High Definition Audio) ; Name of the sound device
devVoiceChatDxDefault=0 ; DirectSound: 0 = specified device, 1 = default device
devVoiceChatDxId={D671316A-9C31-4460-8B7B-826D41434FA5} ; DirectSound: Identifier for the seleted sound device
dimensions=3 ; 1 = mono, 2 = stereo, 3 = surround
loudnessAmbient=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for ambient noise in dB
loudnessCrash=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for scrapes and crashes in dB
loudnessEngine=-3.400000 ; Volume adjustment for engines in dB
loudnessReplay=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for overall replay volume versus driving volume in dB
loudnessSPCC=-9.000000 ; Volume adjustment for spotter noise in dB
loudnessTires=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for tires in dB
loudnessVoiceChat=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for voice chat noise in dB
loudnessWind=-1.000000 ; Volume adjustment for wind in dB
masterVolumedB=0.000000 ; Master volume adjustment in dB, range is -120 dB to 0 dB
micAlwaysActive=1 ; Set this to 0 if your graphics stutter when a microphone is configured, but doing so may cause worse stutters while recording for voice chat
muteWhenFocusLost=0 ; set this to 0 to hear sim sounds when another program has the keyboard focus
numSoundStreams=-1 ; Maximum number of audible sounds
overrideSpccRate=0 ; If set to 1, the spotter sounds will be resampled to play back at the general sample rate. This is a compatibility fix for sound cards with limited playback rates and is not recommended for general use.
overrideVoiceChatRate=0 ; If set to 1, void chat will be resampled to play back at the general sample rate. This is a compatibility fix for sound cards with limited playback rates and is not recommended for general use.
sampleRate=48000 ; sample rate to run sound system at
stereoStreamInSurroundBalance=1.000000 ; stereo streams (the engine) in surround mode need a system specific adjustment to match volume with surround streams
voiceChatEnabled=1 ; Enable or Disable Voice Chat.
voiceChatEnabledWhileDriving=1 ; Enable voice chat while driving.
voiceChatMuted=0 ; Mute voice chat - overrides voiceChatVolume.
voiceChatNotificationStyle=1 ; Voice chat notification style.
[Autochat Messages]
AutoChatStr1=Pitting In$ ; Auto chat message, use $ at the end to auto transmit without hitting enter
AutoChatStr10=!clear 99 Shut up, crazy fool!$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr11=#lf rf lr rr ws fuel 500g$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr12=#rf rr$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr13=#lf rf lr rr$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr14=#fuel 2g$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr15=#fuel 10g$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr2=Pitting Out$ ; Auto chat message,
AutoChatStr3=Pass Left$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr4=Pass Right$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr5=Sorry$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr6=Thanks$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr7=np$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr8=lol$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr9=#clear fr$ ; Auto chat message
autoShotSelection=1 ; Automatically switch cameras based on shot quality
camTempEdit=0 ; don't save edits to cameras, useful for 'live' edits
ctrlIncAccel=1 ; use acceleration when adjusting cameras
ctrlIncScalar=10.000000 ; scalar to use when selecting fast move mode
ctrlIncScalarApply=0 ; enable fast move mode (10x)
ctrlIncVal=1.000000 ; step size when adjusting cameras
focusIncALin=6.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog focus controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
focusIncAScalar=10.000000 ; adjust focus adjustment speed for analog controls
fovIncALin=4.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog FOV controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
fovIncAScalar=20.000000 ; adjust FOV adjustment speed for analog controls
linearPanBlend=0.000000 ; 0.0 - pan slows down with increased zoom, 1.0 - pan remains constant
rotIncALin=4.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog rotation (yaw,pitch,roll) controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
rotIncAScalar=4.000000 ; adjust rotation (yaw,pitch,roll) adjustment speed for analog controls
showCamMode=0 ; display cameras in world, 0-Live, 1-Wide, 2-Front, 3-Side, 4-Top
transIncALin=4.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog translation (x,y,z) controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
transIncAScalar=4.000000 ; adjust translation (x,y,z) adjustment speed for analog controls
SkipInvalidResults=0 ; In looping qualify, skip over results display if no valid lap time
[Drive Screen]
blackBox=2 ; Which black box to display
blackBoxPitStop=0 ; Which pit stop black box to display
resetCanExitCar=1 ; Does pressing reset exit the car while in the pit stall?
showRadioControls=1 ; Display the radio channel control while driving?
showSpeedGearControls=1 ; Display the Speed / Gear / Pedals / Wheel black box?
showSystemMeters=1 ; Display the FPS / Network black box?
showVideoTimer=0 ; Display a clock on the screen that can be used to syncronize live video with a replay
UIOffsetBottomPct=0 ; Shift bottom of UI up by specified percent
arxDisplayPack=ir_hud ; What display to show on the Logitech ARX client.
enableLogitechARX=1 ; Enable Logitech ARX client to create a digital dash on your smartphone
enableLogitechLED=1 ; Animate the backlights on Logitech devices
phoneCanSteer=1 ; Allow phone device to act as a steering wheel
[Force Feedback]
alwaysRestartFX=0 ; Always restart force when updating it, set to true if wheel goes limp after a while
centerSpringPct=-1 ; Percent (0-100) of static centering spring force to apply, -1 is off. Not reccomended for use.
clipRangeToLogical=1 ; Set to 1 to limit the reported range to the logical min/max values
damperMode=0 ; Set damper effect type 0 = Damper 1 = Inertia 2 = Friction
damperSaturation=10000 ; Set damper saturation from 0 to 10000
dampingSliderSetsFriction=1 ; True if damping slider adjust friction effect, false to adjust wheels built in damping effect
debounceSeq_Ms=50 ; Add delay in Milliseconds to sequential shifter to reduce double shifts
disableAutoCenter=1 ; Turn auto center off on all force feedback devices
displayLinearInNm=0 ; Display the force level in peak Nm when using the linear mode
enableFanatecWheelDisplay=1 ; Enable the use of Fanatec wheel displays
enableG27WheelDisplay=1 ; Enable use of shift indicators on the G27 and clones
enableHotPlug=1 ; Set to 0 to turn off usb hot plugging in case you have usb disconnect issues
enableWheelDisplayBlink=1 ; Enable the display lights to blink when at the rev limit
FFBAlwaysReset=1 ; Reset the force feedback every time you enter your car, may help with some wheels.
FFBUseSimpleMinForce=0 ; 0 - Use smoothed min force, 1 - use old sharp min force
forceNoiseSuppression=0 ; Remove noisy joystick axis, even if they are calibrated by hand
initialMoveThreshold=30 ; Minimal amount of motion needed to detect initial movement of a joystick when calibrating
initOnlyNewDevices=1 ; Set to 0 to force all devices to reinitialize when a device change is detected
invertFFBForce=0 ; Reverse the force feedback effects, if your wheel is spinning the wrong way
reinitFanatecWheelDisplay=0 ; reinitialize the fanatec wheel display when reconnecting devices this may cause issues
seperateXBox360Triggers=1 ; Set to 1 to seperate the XBox 360 joystick triggers into there own axes
steeringBumpStop_Deg=15.000000 ; degrees into bump stop before max force
steeringDampingFactor=0.050000 ; Damping factor adjust down if damping becomes unstable, defautlt to 0.05
steeringDampingMaxPercent=0.000000 ; Maximum amount of damping to apply, adjust this to set damping level, values between 0.05 and 0.2 are best, overriden by damping slider
steeringDampingParkedMaxPercent=0.200000 ; Maximum amount of damping to apply when parked, adjust this to reduce wheel oscilation when parked, values between 0.05 and 0.30 are best
steeringFFBSmooth=0.800000 ; Percent of current FFB force to use vs average force, 1.0 = no average 0.001 = max average
steeringForceParkedPct=0.500000 ; Reduce FFB force by percent when parked, to help reduce oscilations
border=1 ; window border?
deviceIdx=0 ; which adapter
displayRotateMode=1 ; 0-auto, 1-landscale, 2-landscape inv, 3-portrait, 4-portrait inv
DriveUIFullScreen=0 ; Let triple headed driving UI expand to fill full display
DriveUITransparency=1.000000 ; Adjust driving UI transparency up or down
eflapCarTransp=0.150000 ; Set level of transparency for reference lap car.
forceVisibleWhenMove=1 ; Force all movable controls to become visible when moving UI elements
fullScreen=1 ; fullscreen?
fullScreenDepth=32 ; Color depth
fullScreenHeight=1080 ; full screen Window's height
fullScreenWidth=5760 ; full screen Window's width
hideCarNum=0 ; Hide car numbers and other decals in test sessions, so you can paint your own versions.
KeepUIHiddenOnFocus=0 ; If set to 1 then the UI can only be enabled with the space bar and not a mouse click
pixelRatio=1.000000 ; Full screen mode - Adjust for displays with non-square pixels
pixelRatioWindowed=1.000000 ; Windowed mode - Adjust for displays with non-square pixels
reduceFramerateWhenFocusLost=0 ; set this to 0 to maintain full framerate when another program has the keyboard focus
serverTransmitMaxCars=63 ; Limit number of cars transmitted to client (values from 10 to 64)
SessionUIFullScreen=0 ; Let triple headed session UI expand to fill full display
SessionUITransparency=1.000000 ; Adjust session UI transparency up or down
UseCoherentUI=0 ; Use Coherent UI?
windowedAlignment=0 ; windowed mode alignment: 0 - none, 1 - center, 2 - top left
windowedHeight=1080 ; windowed mode height
windowedMaximized=0 ; Window is maximized in windowed mode
windowedWidth=5760 ; windowed mode width
windowedXPos=-8 ; Window top left corner in windowed mode
windowedYPos=-30 ; Window top left corner in windowed mode
dateFormat=0 ; Ordering of month, day, year
systemOfMeasurement=1 ; System of measurement used
[Main Screen]
blackBox=-1 ; Which black box to display
garageAutoApply=1 ; automatically hit the apply button after five seconds of inactivity.
showIncidentMessagesWhileDriving=1 ; Show Incident messages while driving
showJoinLeave=1 ; Show player join/leave messages
showSysMessagesWhileDriving=1 ; Show system messages while driving
showUserMessagesWhileDriving=1 ; Show user chat messages while driving
EnableTicker=0 ; set to 1 to turn on ticker when session UI is disabled
[Pit Service]
autoResetPitBox=1 ; Automatically request full pit service once your vehicle exits pit road
askToSaveOnQuit=0 ; Ask to save the replay before quitting via the [Quit] button??
maxFramesToSearchPerUpdate=2048 ; Maximum # of frames to search per update
noRpyCtrlsOnNumpad=0 ; Remove all default replay controls mapped to number pad
pauseReplayOnExit=0 ; Pause replay when exiting your car.
repeatedSearchDelay=400 ; Min milliseconds betweeen successful long-search completions
replayPatchRemoteCars=1 ; update remote car positions in replay based on server data
spoolingEnabled=1 ; enable replay spooling?
spoolOnlyIfDiskFreeMB=1024 ; 0=don't check, otherwise must have this many MB free disk or spooling won't enable
spoolRecordingToDiry= ; If spooling recording, write tmp file into this directory
spoolTapeSizePct=25 ; % of allowed memory to use for the spool buffer (0=min,100=max)
spoolTmpFilesNamed=0 ; use different file names for each spooled .tmp file?
carLowHiPadding=0.250000 ; How much clearance, front and back in meters, to give a car before reporting it as clear
enabled=1 ; Is the spotter enabled at all?
reportLapsEnabled=1 ; Enable spotter calls out lap times
reportLapsMinute=1 ; Call out the minute when calling the time
reportLapsMode_n=0 ; Spotter calls out lap times, 0 - time, 1 - avg speed
reportLapsPrecision=3 ; How much precision to display lap times with
text=1 ; Does the spotter display text messages?
verbosity=2 ; How chatty is the spotter?
voice=1 ; Does the spotter talk to you?
voicePack=JJ Spotter-Cuss Pack v6.51 ; Voice pack for spotter, leave blank for default spotter
defaultShotMode=3 ; default target to focus on when spectating
comparisonLapFileName= ; User specified split delta file used for comparison
deltaBarDisplayDeltabar=1 ; Show the delta bar when displaying split time or ghost car
deltaBarDisplayLaps=7 ; Reference lap to compare against while driving, 0 disables the reference lap.
deltaBarDisplayRefCar=0 ; If 1 display a reference car on track that you can race against. This may not be enabled in all sessions.
deltaBarRangeOval=0.500000 ; delta bar range as +/- N seconds when at an oval
deltaBarRangeRoad=2.000000 ; delta bar range as +/- N seconds when at a road course
disableAtRaceStart=1 ; If 1 disable the split time at start of race, you can manually enable it again later.
fadeGhostCarWhenClose=1 ; If 1 then increase the ghost car transparency as you drive near it.
ghostCarOffsetSec=0.000000 ; How many seconds to offset the ghost car by.
ghostCarTransp=0.350000 ; Set level of transparency for ghost car (reference lap car).
tiltInvertX=0 ; Invert the tilt steering axis
tiltInvertY=0 ; Invert the tilt gas/brake axis
tiltMaxAngleX=90.000000 ; changes tilt sensitivity for the steering axis
tiltMaxAngleY=30.000000 ; changes tilt sensitivity for the gas/brake axis
tiltSensorEnable=1 ; Set to false to stop detection of tilt sensors
useOrientationSensor=1 ; Choose between the orientation sensor or the accelerometer
enableMouseWhileDriving=1 ; Enable the mouse controls in the driving screen
touchCenterOnFirstTouchX=0 ; Center x of control set by first touch
touchCenterOnFirstTouchY=1 ; Center y of control set by first touch
touchComboHeight=0.150000 ; Height, as a percent of screen width, of the center combination touch drive input
touchComboUseSingleCursor=1 ; use a single cursor on the x/y combo control
touchComboWidth=0.400000 ; Width, as a percent of screen width, of the center combination touch drive input
touchFalloff=0.016000 ; How fast the touch control will return to its neutral setting once released
touchLockMouseOnClick=1 ; click once to activate mouse driving control, click again to release it
touchSideEdgeOffset=0.020000 ; How close to the edge of the display are the left/right touch driving input, when using a horizontal orientation
touchSideGasIsVertical=1 ; Orient the (right) gas/brake input zone vertically or horizontally
touchSideHeight=0.150000 ; Height, as a percent of screen width, of the left/right touch drive inputs, when using vert orientation
touchSideHideOnMouse=1 ; hide the side controls when touch not active
touchSideSteeringIsVertical=0 ; Orient the (left) steering input zone vertically or horizontally
touchSideWidth=0.200000 ; Width, as a percent of screen width, of the left/right touch drive inputs, when using a horizontal orientation
touchUseMouseRelativeMode=1 ; If true, then use a relative mouse mode, otherwise use absolute
cockpitLookAngle=65.000000 ; Angle in degrees to rotate head when looking left/right
cockpitLookDeadZone=0.050000 ; 0-1 value for deadzone. 0 is no deadzone.
cockpitLookDownAngle=20.000000 ; Angle in degrees to tilt head when looking down
cockpitLookInstant=1 ; does digital look left/right/up/down switch instantly, or transition smoothly?
cockpitLookSmoothingTime=0.055556 ; Time value (secs) used in joystick smoothing
cockpitLookUpAngle=15.000000 ; Angle in degrees to tilt head when looking up
DriverHeadHorizon=0.100000 ; Percent to allow the drivers head to stay level with the horizon when the car tilts.
DriverHeadNoPitch=0.100000 ; Percent to allow the drivers head to stay level with the horizon when the car pitches.
DriverHeadWobble=1.000000 ; Percent to allow the drivers head to wobble when going over bumps.
driverHeightAdj=0.000000 ; Range -0.050m to 0.050m (approx. +/- 2 in.)
DriverRotateHead=0.100000 ; Percent to rotate drivers head with slip angle. 0 to 1 with 1 being 100%
drivingCamFOV=135.000000 ; driving camera field of view
DrivingVanishY=-0.120000 ; Shift the driving view up/down to make it easier to see the dash.
virtualMirrorFOV=85.000000 ; virtual mirror field of view
[XXX Dev Use Only]
CPUMeter=1 ; Include the sim-thread's CPU usage in the L/Q/S meter group?
CPUMeterAsText=0 ; Show CPU meter as ms in text?
dbgTextBG= ; r,g,b[,a]
dbgTextFG= ; r,g,b[,a]
MaskFPUExceptionsBG=0 ; 1=mask floating point errors (realtime)
MaskFPUExceptionsFG=0 ; 1=mask floating point errors (graphics)
xHeight=1080 ;
xTilesAcross=1 ; mosaic
xWidth=5760 ; must be multiple of 4*xTilesAcross!
• 2016s3 iRacing staff post by Aussie Greg H re sound:
You get what you pay for with headphones, cheap ones push a lot of bass to entice you to buy them for duf duf duf, but the rest of the frequencies sound like mush. So keep an eye on those bass levels according to the quality of the headphones.
If they are stereo headphones your soundcard should know when you plug in and make some changes. If not select headphones or 2 channels or stereo or even 2.1 would work.
In Sim Sound Option:
System Default
Un-tick Surround to make it Stereo.
Windows Volume 65-70% because the sim is actually surround and when in stereo the surround channels get folded down into the stereo channels and this can get really mussy soundings and over saturated.
experiment with the stereoStreamInSurroundBalance=0.500000 a lower number can make things sound a little clearer in headphones and 2.1 stereo speakers but all soundcards are different with streams - that's why we have this setting exposed to tweak.
• 2016s3 iRacing staff post by Aussie Greg H re sound:
On the medium gamer level sound system (ASUS Xonar, Logitech Z5500)
6 or 8 audio channels (2 or 4 channels if running the sim in stereo)
I sometime test with the SPDIF and leave it on PCM, Dolby or DTS.
Absolutely no effects, eq or the other dsp/gx crud.
Input 6 Channel Direct or Optical.
Sub volume around 80%
Windows Volume 75% (never above that or you get saturation and squash into your preamp)
In Sim Sound Option:
System Default
Surround Sound
My App.ini changes a little from time to time but it's usually something like this...
allowHardwareStreams=1 ; try to use hardware streams if available
devMicrophoneAPI=0 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSPCCAPI=0 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSpeakerAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSpeakerDevName=System Default ; Name of the sound device
devVoiceChatAPI=0 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
dimensions=3 ; 1 = mono, 2 = stereo, 3 = surround
loudnessAmbient=-2.500000 ; Volume adjustment for ambient noise in dB
loudnessCrash=-2.500000 ; Volume adjustment for scrapes and crashes in dB
loudnessEngine=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for engines in dB
loudnessReplay=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for overall replay volume versus driving volume in dB
loudnessSPCC=-21.000000 ; Volume adjustment for spotter noise in dB
loudnessTires=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for tires in dB
loudnessVoiceChat=-18.699999 ; Volume adjustment for voice chat noise in dB
loudnessWind=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for wind in dB
masterVolumedB=0.000000 ; Master volume adjustment in dB, range is -120 dB to 0 dB
micAlwaysActive=1 ; Set this to 0 if your graphics stutter when a microphone is configured, but doing so may cause worse stutters while recording for voice chat
muteWhenFocusLost=0 ; set this to 0 to hear sim sounds when another program has the keyboard focus
numSoundStreams=-1 ; Maximum number of audible sounds
overrideSpccRate=0 ; If set to 1, the spotter sounds will be resampled to play back at the general sample rate. This is a compatibility fix for sound cards with limited playback rates and is not recommended for general use.
overrideVoiceChatRate=0 ; If set to 1, void chat will be resampled to play back at the general sample rate. This is a compatibility fix for sound cards with limited playback rates and is not recommended for general use.
sampleRate=48000 ; sample rate to run sound system at
stereoStreamInSurroundBalance=0.500000 ; stereo streams (the engine) in surround mode need a system specific adjustment to match volume with surround streams
• 2016s2 iRacing staff post by Aussie Greg H re sound:
Pretty much the same. I'll paste my app.ini info below.
There has been a little confusion about the menu sliders and the groupings...
Many people don't realize that the gear shift sounds are part of the collision system and are logically controlled by the "Crashes" slider. So if you love gear shifts sounds loud but you hate crash sounds your in trouble But I've had members say the gear shifts are too low, but they have their crashes slider set to the lowest.
The tires have a road rolling sound that sometimes gets confused with the wind buffeting sound and visa versa. If you want a rumble and air flow through the chassis then keep these sliders above 70% and turn up your subwoofer.
The engine, backfires and tranny whine are all on the one engine slider. I'm pretty sure this will all change once we update the sound system to xaudio2.
There is a bit of confusion about the "stereoStreamInSurroundBalance" in the app.ini. This actually controls 2 volumes at the same time. In basic terms if you lower this number the external sounds will go up and the incar sounds will go down. Raise this number and the external sounds go down as the incar sounds will go up. Now in more detailed terms this is a stereo vs 3D mix volume, and this value varies on different hardware and this is nightmare I know. Unfortunately we have no calibration method, but it is on the cards
Subwoofers: I have my subs at around 60-70%, never up full and keep the sub at least 6 foot away. Subsonic waves are BIG and they need distance to form properly, this is why your spouse complains about the loud booming sounds because the subsonic sound is well formed by the time it hits the TV living room way down the hall.
Ok...I've said this before but if you have a surround system use it and tick it in the options menu. Also - IF YOU HAVE A GOOD SYSTEM AND HARDWARE - turn the sample rate in the app.ini to 48000 <- this will notably improve the fidelity of the sounds. If your computer system is lacking LEAVE IT AT 22k or risk bogging down your cpu.
Never raise the Windows volume above 75%, I've run many tests on many setups and that is the safest level without hitting the front end of your preamp too hard into saturation. If it's not loud enough then get an amp that goes to 11.
Please learn how to use your soundcard control panel. Keep it simple and don't use those DSP effects like reverb, bass flex, auto level (dynamic limiters), Karaoke or GX modes they are all crap! Match your speaker config with your hardware, so if you have 2 speaker stereo system select that and not surround - trust me it won't work right if you miss match this. Use the surround setup where you test the level of all your speakers and adjust accordingly.
My App.ini and why I test the sim with those setting. Some people will not see the logic of me having some sliders set lower when I mix for everyone. When I mix, some sounds need extra headroom for certain sound systems to get a good mix. This is why Wind, Crashes and Vocal stuff is lower, but the reality is although they maybe nicely balanced at those levels (for the majority of good systems), they are actually louder than the other sounds and therefore you can turn them up if you have a system that requires it. Darn it I don't think I explained it that well - I'll see if I can construct a better explanation another time.
allowHardwareStreams=1 ; try to use hardware streams if available
devMicrophoneAPI=0 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSPCCAPI=0 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSpeakerAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSpeakerDevName=System Default ; Name of the sound device
devVoiceChatAPI=0 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
dimensions=3 ; 1 = mono, 2 = stereo, 3 = surround
loudnessAmbient=-2.500000 ; Volume adjustment for ambient noise in dB
loudnessCrash=-2.500000 ; Volume adjustment for scrapes and crashes in dB
loudnessEngine=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for engines in dB
loudnessReplay=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for overall replay volume versus driving volume in dB
loudnessSPCC=-21.299999 ; Volume adjustment for spotter noise in dB
loudnessTires=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for tires in dB
loudnessVoiceChat=-8.600000 ; Volume adjustment for voice chat noise in dB
loudnessWind=-2.000000 ; Volume adjustment for wind in dB
masterVolumedB=0.000000 ; Master volume adjustment in dB, range is -120 dB to 0 dB
micAlwaysActive=1 ; Set this to 0 if your graphics stutter when a microphone is configured, but doing so may cause worse stutters while recording for voice chat
muteWhenFocusLost=0 ; set this to 0 to hear sim sounds when another program has the keyboard focus
numSoundStreams=-1 ; Maximum number of audible sounds
overrideSpccRate=0 ; If set to 1, the spotter sounds will be resampled to play back at the general sample rate. This is a compatibility fix for sound cards with limited playback rates and is not recommended for general use.
overrideVoiceChatRate=0 ; If set to 1, void chat will be resampled to play back at the general sample rate. This is a compatibility fix for sound cards with limited playback rates and is not recommended for general use.
sampleRate=48000 ; sample rate to run sound system at
stereoStreamInSurroundBalance=0.500000 ; stereo streams (the engine) in surround mode need a system specific adjustment to match volume with surround streams
voiceChatEnabled=1 ; Enable or Disable Voice Chat.
voiceChatEnabledWhileDriving=1 ; Enable voice chat while driving.
voiceChatMuted=0 ; Mute voice chat - overrides voiceChatVolume.
voiceChatNotificationStyle=2 ; Voice chat notification style.
This message was edited 1 time(s). Last update was at 4/15/2016 7:27 p.m.
• 2016s1 iRacing staff post by Aussie Greg H re sound:
In your app.ini try lowering the "stereoStreamInSurroundBalance" values to give you more positional volume (tires, external engine etc) and less volume for the stereo stream volume (incar engine). Make sure in the options window to turn the engine slider back up.
I have mine set at stereoStreamInSurroundBalance=0.500000
But it all depends on your soundcard, some people have got this as low as 0.200000 or as high as 1.00000.
Set your Windows volume no higher than 75% otherwise you'll get saturation and compression.
Here's my current app.ini for audio...
allowHardwareStreams=1 ; try to use hardware streams if available
devMicrophoneAPI=0 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSPCCAPI=0 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSpeakerAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSpeakerDevName=System Default ; Name of the sound device
devVoiceChatAPI=0 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
dimensions=3 ; 1 = mono, 2 = stereo, 3 = surround
loudnessAmbient=-2.500000 ; Volume adjustment for ambient noise in dB
loudnessCrash=-2.500000 ; Volume adjustment for scrapes and crashes in dB
loudnessEngine=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for engines in dB
loudnessReplay=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for overall replay volume versus driving volume in dB
loudnessSPCC=-11.900000 ; Volume adjustment for spotter noise in dB
loudnessTires=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for tires in dB
loudnessVoiceChat=-16.600000 ; Volume adjustment for voice chat noise in dB
loudnessWind=-2.500000 ; Volume adjustment for wind in dB
masterVolumedB=0.000000 ; Master volume adjustment in dB, range is -120 dB to 0 dB
micAlwaysActive=1 ; Set this to 0 if your graphics stutter when a microphone is configured, but doing so may cause worse stutters while recording for voice chat
muteWhenFocusLost=0 ; set this to 0 to hear sim sounds when another program has the keyboard focus
numSoundStreams=-1 ; Maximum number of audible sounds
overrideSpccRate=0 ; If set to 1, the spotter sounds will be resampled to play back at the general sample rate. This is a compatibility fix for sound cards with limited playback rates and is not recommended for general use.
overrideVoiceChatRate=0 ; If set to 1, void chat will be resampled to play back at the general sample rate. This is a compatibility fix for sound cards with limited playback rates and is not recommended for general use.
sampleRate=48000 ; sample rate to run sound system at
stereoStreamInSurroundBalance=0.500000 ; stereo streams (the engine) in surround mode need a system specific adjustment to match volume with surround streams
voiceChatEnabled=1 ; Enable or Disable Voice Chat.
voiceChatEnabledWhileDriving=1 ; Enable voice chat while driving.
voiceChatMuted=0 ; Mute voice chat - overrides voiceChatVolume.
voiceChatNotificationStyle=2 ; Voice chat notification style.
This message was edited 1 time(s). Last update was at 12/11/2015 12:16 p.m.
• For improved realism, must do tweaks
DriverHeadHorizon setting, thread.
DriverRotateHead setting, thread.
DriverHeadNoPitch setting to detect elevation changes and DriverHeadWobble setting.
From David T's post in another thread (also see my Camera-UI page to adjust driver seat/view):
DriverHeadHorizon=0.000000 ; Percent to allow the drivers head to stay level with the horizon when the car tilts.
DriverHeadNoPitch=0.000000 ; Percent to allow the drivers head to stay level with the horizon when the car pitches.
DriverHeadWobble=1.000000 ; Percent to allow the drivers head to wobble when going over bumps.
driverHeightAdj=0.000000 ; Range -0.050m to 0.050m (approx. +/- 2 in.)
DriverRotateHead=0.000000 ; Percent to rotate drivers head with slip angle. 0 to 1 with 1 being 100%
drivingCamFOV=78.000000 ; driving camera field of view
DrivingVanishY=-0.120000 ; Shift the driving view up/down to make it easier to see the dash
(see my FOV page re VanishY & multiple screens).
"The first two (horizon and nopitch) force the drivers head to stay level even if the car is going up and down hills. The wobble parameter adjusts a spring between the drivers head and car body that attempts to smooth out the bumps, but can make you feel sea sick. Height, FOV and VanishY are all adjustable from within the sim and move the head up or adjust the rendered image. Finally Rotate Head is a feature that aims the camera in the direction the car is traveling (with limits in a spin) so the dash will move when you have over or under steer. Rotate head is a bit much if you set it to 1 but I like a little bit of it, like 0.30.
All of these are scalars, so you can set them to something between 0 and 1, like 0.25 for 25%".
•[Pit Service] autoResetFastRepair=1 2016s2 patch 1 release-notes.
- A new setting, "[Pit Service] autoResetFastRepair=1" has been added to the "app.ini" file. This setting separates resetting the fast repair Black Box checkbox from the existing setting "[Pit Service] autoResetPitBox=1" in the "app.ini" file.
•Telemtry noted in 2016s2 release-notes.
- Legacy telemetry (NR2003 Telemetry) is now disabled by default. It can be turned on again in the "app.ini" file by adjusting the "enableLegacyTelemetry=1" option. This interface is deprecated and will be removed from the sim next season.
- Session times are now reported with 4 decimals of precision.
- Your current car setup is now being logged to telemetry, both to the live telemetry that external tools can access and it is appended to the end of the disk based ".ibt" telemetry file. For the most part this is a good thing, but if for some reason you are worried that someone will use this to gain access to your setup you can turn off this behavior by setting "[Misc] irsdkLogSetup=0" in the "app.ini" file. So in summary, your car setup is now buried in every telemetry file you capture, so when you share a telemetry file you are potentially sharing your setup as well.
• Minimum threshold to detect motion when calibrating (added 2015s4).
- Can be adjusted by the app.ini switch initialMoveThreshold.
This can be used to get devices with very small ranges of travel to be detected by iRacing.
(I first read of this in post).
• CPUMeter=1 (Displays C on LQSPF box).
Information from post:
The CPU meter measures only the CPU usage of the simulation's real-time thread (the one that runs the simulation, basically).
Gray is the 1-second trailing average CPU usage.
Purple is the 15-second trailing average CPU usage (only visible if it's higher than the gray bar).
Randy C from post:
When you are editing the setup in the garage, we conceptually put the car onto a special set of setup plates on a nice flat, level surface. As you make adjustments, we read various sensors on the car to come up with derived values like ride height, corner weights and such.
To help the car "settle down" more quickly as adjustments are made, we can run the physics more often than normal. So that instead of taking, say, 1 second's worth of real-world time to simulate 1-second's worth of sim time, we can double the rate and only take 0.5 seconds of real-world time. We monitor how much CPU is being used to run the "garage physics" in this manner, and keep speeding it up until we hit some CPU threshold (I think it's about 75% of one core).
So when you exit the garage, the CPU meter, which shows the trailing 1-second average, will reflect this higher usage
R is for rendering thread CPU time
G is for GPU rendering time
From 2016s1 release notes:
Two additional bars have been added to the "Comm" UI when “CPUMeter=1” is enabled in "app.ini" file.
There is now an "R" bar which is the time the foreground/Renderer took and a "G" bar which is the time the GPU took.
There is also a new option in the "app.ini" file named “CPUMeterAsText=1” which will turn all the "CPU" timing related meters into text that reports the times in milliseconds.
From post: The bar is calibrated to be 60fps. If it doesn't turn red you are getting 60fps or better.
The units are in milliseconds. Which means anything less than 16.6ms will be 60fps or better from the GPU's view.
Connection from iRacing 2016s4 release notes:
The Q-Bar on the frame rate/connection status meter area now has two side-by-side meters.
The original value is in the left-hand bar, and shows the amount of packet loss from the race server to the simulation.
The new right-hand bar (which grows from right to left) shows the amount of packet loss from the simulation to the race server.
Note that the data for this right-hand bar is sent from the server to
the simulation, so if there is a sudden loss of all packets sent by the
server to the simulation, the value in this bar will not update. As
before, each bar becomes full at 50% packet loss, though each is now
about half the width of the original Q meter.
See FPS / Network display and FFB (see LQSPF in Rookies)
• [Replay] maxFramesToSearchPerUpdate=2048 (added 2015s4).
- Setting to control how much tape is searched per update during a long search.
• ghostCarOffsetSec=0.000000 (2015s3), reflap (ghost) car info on Rookies
- You can now offset the ghost car up to 2 seconds in front of you by editing app.ini [SplitsDeltas] ghostCarOffsetSec=0.0
• cockpitLookDeadZone
If you have mapped your look left/right to an analogue axis, that axis will have a dead zone before the view starts to move.
If you have them mapped to buttons it'll make no difference.
• "Direct Sound is old and somewhat broken and we can't do a lot right now to get a good global mix until we update to Xaudio."
Interesting post and reference to app.ini settings.
In sim: Options > Replay > Enable replay spooling.
In app.ini:
spoolingEnabled=1 :enables longer replay.
spoolRecordingToDiry= :optional, set a temp directory on another drive/folder. Eg
spoolOnlyIfDiskFreeMB=0 :0 to ignore free disk space check; I've read to allow for 10gb.
The spoolOnlyIfDiskFreeMB setting means "if you have LESS free disk space than this, disable spooling for this session only, even if you have it enabled."
That setting does not limit your spooled replays to be smaller than the specified amount.
Restart session for any changes above to take affect.
Spooling post by iRacing staff Randy C
It's probably not worth mussing with spoolTapeSizePct, but feel free to set it up to 100 if you're running 64-bit and have at least 8G of RAM. The spool tape memory buffer is pretty small. Even at 100% it's only something like 64MB.
spoolRecordingToDiry is mostly useful to make your eventual saving of the replay faster, at least with spinny hard disks. The spool file has just the raw frame-by-frame data, without all the control information (what track and set of cars? who were all the entrants in the session? what lap times did everyone do in all the sessions?, etc). So when you go to save a replay, a new file is created with all this control information, and then the contents of the spool file is copied into it. So if it's a 12GB spool file for a 24 hour session, it's going to have to copy that 12GB of data from the spooling temp file to the .rpy file. Having the spooling temp file on a different disk can make that copy operation faster.
Also, since the sim has to write everything to that spool temp file in real time while you're driving, it's not a horrible idea to have that spool file be on a volume that performs well - say an SSD. That writing is done in a separate thread, and it's a relatively low bytes-per-second rate (it should be in the K-bytes per second range, not megabytes-per-second), so it's not necessarily a huge deal.
As far as loading a replay goes, if you have spooling enabled, no attempt is made to read the whole thing into memory. It just spools-in what's needed as it's needed. If you do not have spooling enabled, it will first try to fit it into memory. If it can't be made to fit, it will instead use spooling just while watching that replay.
• Some settings are adjustable in session options.
Other settings I've changed in app.ini and/or likely to change include:
[Autochat Messages]
Changed in sim options
[Brass Monkey]
[Drive Screen]
UIOffsetBottomPct=0 (superseded by cockpit cam)
[Force Feedback] (see FFB page)
dampingSliderSetsFriction=1 (2016s1)
steeringForceParkedPct=0.500000 (2016s1)
steeringDampingParkedMaxPercent=0.200000 (2016s1)
steeringForceParkedPct=0.500000 (2016s1)
[ Pit Lane]
customTestSessionStallLocation=0 ; In local test sessions you can use a pitstall other than the first (first stall = 1)
[Pit Service]
autoResetPitBox=1 Automatically request full pit service once your vehicle exits pit road (0 is off)
to be advised 2016s1
See my Camera-Ui page
To reset UI, delete this section.
[XXX Dev Use Only]
Extract from iRacing's 2014 Season 4 release notes:
- The Cockpit Mirror Optimization setting has been disabled, and replaced with a new setting that specifies the maximum number of cockpit mirrors to enable per frame. If there are more mirrors than desired, cockpit mirrors are enabled based on a priority scheme: rear, driver's side, opposite side, other. Once you launch the simulator, the old settings will be removed from renderer.ini and replaced with defaults as follows:
· Mirrors disabled defaults to 0 max
· Mirrors enabled+optimized defaults to 2 max
· Mirrors enabled+not optimized defaults to 4 max
The enabled mirrors will now render every frame. The disabled mirrors are blacked out.
- It is now possible for a driver to get out of the car while leaving the car in their pit stall, even in single driver events. When viewing a driverless car (Live or in the Replay), the car will have no driver in it.
- When viewing a car in the simulation, the helmet of the person who is driving the car is shown. Just as you could see an all-white car if you have LoadTexturesWhenDriving=0 in renderer.ini, you could see an all-white driver helmet in a car if the driver's helmet paint job has not yet been computed. All-white helmets will become painted when you get out of your car.
Extract from iRacing's April 8 2015 release notes:
If both the virtual mirror and cockpit mirrors are enabled at the same time,
the rear-view cockpit mirror is now lowered in priority to be after the side mirrors.
Now you can say you want 1 cockpit mirror and the virtual mirror, and you get the driver side cockpit mirror and the virtual mirror, instead of the rear view mirror and the virtual mirror.
• Renderer.ini contents for my reference, I may tweak something later if I haven't already.
From 2016s2 release notes:
- The "Two-Pass Trees" rendering option is now functional on ALL tracks.
DirectX 9
- Added a new option to the "renderer.ini" file named, “ReduceCockpitFlicker,” which is enabled by default. This option reduces the z-fighting and flickering between objects that can sometimes be seen in vehicle cockpits while racing at very large tracks.
From 2016s1 release notes:
In addition, a new option, "VisibilityFrameDelay," has been added to the "renderer.ini" file which may be lowered to improve the performance of visibility culling at the cost of CPU time (0= No delay, 5= Five frames of visibility culling latency).
- When Pixel Shaders are enabled, the larger vertices that they require are now compressed by default to reduce both system and video memory requirements. Set “CompressedVertices=0” in “renderer.ini” to disable the compression.
- Two additional bars have been added to the "Comm" UI when “CPUMeter=1” is enabled in "app.ini" file. There is now an "R" bar which is the time the foreground/Renderer took and a "G" bar which is the time the GPU took. There is also a new option in the "app.ini" file named “CPUMeterAsText=1” which will turn all the "CPU" timing related meters into text that reports the times in milliseconds.
From 2016s1 5th update release notes: (7 Jan 2016)
- Improved the graphics autoconfig to set the "Video Memory to Use" limit to precisely 10% less than the dedicated video memory of the GPU, rather than always 128MB less at most.
- Replaced the graphics option, "Cap Frame Queue," with a more useful version,
"Max Prerendered Frames," adjustable from 1 to 4 frames. Typically you should set this value to the number of GPUs in use for rendering, in most cases this is 1, but for SLI or Crossfire this is often 2. Setting the limit to zero frames disables this function completely, which is not advisable since it will lead to increased control lag, or in some cases stuttering. This new setting defaults to a value of 1, and is named "MaxPreRenderedFrames" in the "renderer.ini" file.
- A new setting, "ParallelSorting=1," has been added to the "renderer.ini" file. Changing this setting to 0 will disable the use of multi-threading during scene sorting in the renderer. The multithreading optimizations are enabled by default.
- Fixed an issue where textures were only loading after entering the garage screen when the option "LoadTexturesWhenDriving" was set to zero in the "renderer.ini" file.
From 2016s1 3rd update release notes:
- Improved the Level of Detail selection of the track surfaces for very wide fields-of-view in three-screen mode.
Previously, the side monitors could render distant portions of the track at a higher level of detail than necessary.
- Added the ability to limit the number of track surface decals rendered from the cockpit cameras.
These limits can be specified in the “renderer.ini” file.
The “MaxTrackDecalsInCockpit” setting is for the driver’s view, and the “MaxTrackDecalsInMirrors” setting is for the driver’s view in the mirrors.
Because track surface decals are rendered in clumps, try adjusting the settings using increments of about 150.
If any portion of a clump would render, the entire clump will render, so the limit input may be slightly exceeded.
All decals very near the camera will render even if the limit is exceeded to avoid very obvious popping in of the decals.
Mirrors will only render track decals when the “Higher Detail Mirrors” setting is enabled in the Graphics/Replay options screen, which will negatively affect performance.
Post by Dave G (18 Dec 2015):
Track surface decals are the static visuals that sit on top of the track surface itself. These are things like the graffiti on Nurburgring, or most start/finish lines, static skid marks or discoloration on the track. The dynamic skid marks are controlled by another system.
MaxTrackDecalsInCockpit - This controls the maximum number of primitives (triangles) that will be rendered for decals while driving. A single decal is typically made up of a fair number of triangles so changing this number by small amounts is not really going to show very different results. Lower values mean more culling and better the framerate, but the fewer decals you will see.
MaxTrackDecalsInMirrors - This is similar to the cockpit value and is the number of primitives for decals drawn in mirrors. One thing to keep in mind is that decals only show up in mirrors with the “Higher Detail Mirrors” setting, so if that isn't set this value will have no effect.
From 2016s1 4th update release notes:
- Improved the graphics autoconfig to set the "Video Memory to Use" limit to approximately 128MB less than the dedicated video memory of the GPU, rather than to the full amount dedicated video memory. This is because Microsoft Windows uses a portion of the video memory for itself, leaving even less for the simulator, especially in newer versions of Windows. The first time the simulator executes, your existing video memory setting may be automatically lowered to this new setting if it was set too high. Please do not increase it, as it will only lead to performance issues and stuttering. The setting in renderer.ini has been renamed from "VidMemMB" to "VideoMemMB" to help facilitate this change.
- Dynamic Tracks 2015s4 additions:
ParticlesDetail=1 ; particles detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
DynamicTrackDataRendering=1 ; 0=render without dynamic track data, 1=render with Dynamic Track Data
SeparateDynamicTrackPass for Dynamic Tracks tweak Post (Dave G 10.09.15)
If you have dynamic track rendering enabled you can try a renderer.ini tweak:
SeparateDynamicTrackPass=0 ; 0=dyn track renders in base pass 1=dyn track renders using 2nd pass
Changing that to 1 will enable an alternate rendering method for the rubber/marbles.
iRacing had mixed results with it internally, on some systems/tracks it helped out quite a bit.
Pre 2015s4:
• As noted in JK's nVidia thread, you can change settings in this file to:
- Turn off the mirror optimizations, so that EVERY mirror is updated on EVERY frame
- Tweak headlights for maximum quality (color and dynamic)
- Load textures while driving (so I can immediately see updated custom paints without having to exit my car)
- Tweak compression options (I have enough GPU RAM to leave all 3 options uncompressed; see warning below)
- Set LODPct, OcclusionCull, and TwoBackBuffers to certain values, for best quality and performance.
- I set TwoBackBuffers to 1 based on other advice, JK is recommending 0.
Jacob's settings (added here 2015S3): Note: these may be outdated with 2016s1 build - check JK's thread
[Graphics Options]
CockpitMirrorOptimization=0 ; 1=render only one mirror per frame
MonochromeHeadlights=0 ; 0=color headlights 1=all white (less blotches/banding)
ProceduralHeadlights=1 ; 0=off 1=dynamic player car headlights if headlightLevel >= MED
LoadTexturesWhenDriving=1 ; 0=only load when out of car
CompressTexturesSuits=0 ; 0=uncompressed 1=block compress (recommended)
CompressTexturesHelmets=0 ; 0=uncompressed 1=block compress (recommended)
CompressTexturesCars=0 ; 0=uncompressed (warning! no!!) 1=block compress (highly recommended)
LODPct=100 ; % to scale dist before choosing level-of-detail
OcclusionCull=1 ; 0=disable occlusion culling, 1=enabled (usually best)
TwoBackBuffers=0 ; 0=1 back buffer, 1=try to create 2 back buffers
[Replay Graphics]
CockpitMirrorOptimization=0 ; 1=render only one mirror per frame
* If you previously used the DXTn option read post | screenshot.
My 2016s4 rendererDX11.ini (DX11 - I haven't tweaked anything for 16s4)
AutoCfgCompleted=1 ; 0=need to run 3D autocfg at startup
Version=1 ; Version of this file
[Graphics Options]
DNSMFilter=2 ; 0 = none 1 = Fetch4 2 = PCF4
DNSMShadowFade=50 ; 0 to # = time to fade in night shadows in 100ths of a sec (25 default)
DNSMNumLights=3 ; 0 to 128 = Max number of shadow mapped lights at night
DNSMHeadlightsCastShadows=0 ; 0=off 1=car headlights cast shadows
DNSMWallsCastShadows=0 ; 0= off 1=track walls cast shadows
DNSMTSOsCastShadows=1 ; 0= off 1=track objects cast shadows
DNSMDownsampleFirst=0 ; 0=per-AA-sample shadows 1=per-pixel shadow
DNSMEnable=1 ; 0=off 1=dynamic night shadow maps
DNSMMaxLightsPerPass=3 ; 0- 6 = Shadowing lights per-fullscreen pass
DNSMQuality=2 ; 0 = 512x512 1 = 1024x1024 2 = 2048x2048 3 = 4096x4096
NumMultiGPUs=1 ; Number of GPUs in Crossfire/SLI (1=off to 4). Set low as works.
DynamicTrackTextureUpdateRate=2 ; 0=min, 1=low, 2=med, 3=high frequency of dynamic track texture updates
ParticleDetail=0 ; particle detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
TwoPassTrees=0 ; 0=off, 1=render trees with higher quality in two passes
DepthOfField=0 ; 0=off, 1=depth of field blurs enabled
ShadowMapType=3 ; map onto: 0=off, 1=track, 2=track/cars, 3=track/cars/tso
ShadowType=0 ; 0=off, 1=one pass shadows, 2=two pass shadow vols
DynamicShadowFilters=7 ; 1=cockpit only, 7=all)
DynamicShadowMaps=1 ; 0=off 1=dynamic shadow maps for cars, etc. (Day only!)
CastTracksObjectsIntoShadowMaps=1 ; 1=cast objects into soft shadow maps
ShadowDetail=0 ; 0=fewer shadows, 1=maximum shadows
VirtualMirrors=1 ; 0=off, 1=virtual mirrors enabled
MaxCockpitMirrors=4 ; Maximum number of cockpit mirrors to enable (0 to 4)
MirrorDetail=1 ; 0=low detail, 1=high detail in mirrors
ParticlesSoft=0 ; soft particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticlesFullRes=1 ; full resolution particles: 0=off, 1=on
WeekendDetail=2 ; event detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
ObjectDetail=2 ; object population 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
GrandstandDetail=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
CrowdDetail=1 ; 0=off, 1=normal, 2=high
PitObjectDetail=2 ; 0=off, 1=low, 2=high
CarDetail=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
Trilinear=1 ; 0=off, 1=improved texture quality
MaxAniso=16 ; 1=off, or 2, 4, 8, 16 - improved edge-on textures
FarTerrain=1 ; 0=no far terrain, 1=far terrain in separate pass
DriverHands=1 ; Show driver hands? 0=no, 1=yes
SteeringWheel=1 ; Show steering wheel? 0=no, 1=yes
DynamicTireRendering=0 ; 0=render without dynamic tires, 1=render with dynamic tires
DynamicTrackDataRendering=0 ; 0=render without dynamic track data, 1=render with Dynamic Track Data
Tridef3D=0 ; 0=off, 1=Inject TriDef3D Ignition driver w/profile 'iRacing' (32-bit only)
ShaderQuality=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high, 3=max
HeadlightLevel=2 ; 0=low quality, 1=medium, 2=high quality. *** -1=disabled ***
ParallelSorting=1 ; 0=disabled 1=multithreaded scene sort
MonochromeHeadlights=0 ; 0=color headlights 1=all white (less blotches/banding)
ProceduralHeadlights=0 ; 0=off 1=dynamic player car headlights if headlightLevel >= MED
HeadlightsInMirrors=1 ; 0=off 1= headlights illuminate track surface in mirrors
LoadTexturesWhenDriving=1 ; 0=only load when out of car
CompressTexturesSuits=1 ; 0=uncompressed 1=block compress (recommended)
CompressTexturesHelmets=1 ; 0=uncompressed 1=block compress (recommended)
CompressTexturesCars=1 ; 0=uncompressed (warning! no!!) 1=block compress (highly recommended)
CompressedVertices=1 ; 0=off 1=Use compressed vertices
ReduceCockpitFlicker=1 ; 0=off 1=enabled
CarPaint2048x2048=0 ; 0=1024x1024 car textures res, 1=2048x2048 car texture res (max)
CacheSwap3HighResCars=0 ; 0=shrink to fit 1=cache swap higher res for nearest cars
WorldNearPlaneDistance=10 ; In 1/10 meters, min=1(0.1m) max=30(3m), helps z-fighting but may clip track.
VisibilityFrameDelay=5 ; Number of frames to wait before re-testing object visibility. 0 = no delay
AAQuality=0 ; 0=low - 16=max (GPU & AASamples specific)
AASamples=4 ; 1=off, 2, or 4 - num samples
MipLODBias=0 ; % bias texture lookup 100 is a mip level, positive is blurry, negative sharp
LODPct=100 ; % to scale dist before choosing level-of-detail
RefreshRateHz=0 ; 0=default
OcclusionCull=1 ; 0=disable occlusion culling, 1=enabled (usually best)
LimitFrameRate=0 ; 0=no limit, 1=use DesiredFPSLimit
DesiredFPSLimitBatt=60 ; Enabled when LimitFrameRate=1 and on battery
DesiredFPSLimit=96 ; Enabled when LimitFrameRate=1 and on ext. power
MaxPreRenderedFrames=1 ; 1=normal 0=disabled/multi-gpu
VerticalSync=0 ; 0=allow tearing, 1=lock FPS to refresh rate
TwoBackBuffers=0 ; 0=1 back buffer, 1=try to create 2 back buffers
MaxWorkingSetMB_64Bit=8192 ; (64-bit) 1024 to 8192 MB - Lower to reduce page faults!
VidMemMB=1804 ; Maximum GPU video memory to consume (MB)
UIScalePct=82 ; User Interface Size
EnableSMPSurround=0 ; 0=off 1=Enable Simultaneous Multi-Projection via GPU
BezelProtectionPct=7 ; 0-10: % of screen width to keep UI elements away from bezels
Min3ViewZoomDistortion=1 ; 0=off 1=when cameras zoom in alot, relax screen angles
NumMonitors=3 ; 1 or 3
RenderViewPerMonitor=1 ; 0=off 1=separate view on each monitor (less distortion)
MonitorWidth=568 ; (mm) total width of each monitor (screen + bezels)
ScreenWidth=523 ; (mm) usable width of each screen (no bezels)
ScreenAngles=35 ; (deg) side monitor angle, 10=slight, 65=max
Renderer=? ; Driver DLL - Don't Edit This!
Version=0 ; Driver Version - Don't Edit This!
Vendor=? ; Driver Vender - Don't Edit This!
[Laser Scan]
PointSizeMM=80 ; desired physical point size width (mm): 1 to 120
PointSizeMin=1 ; min point size in screen pixels (1 to 256)
PointSizeMax=1 ; max point size in screen pixels (1 to 256)
MaxLaserScanVidMem=128 ; Max scan density to load into vidmem 128-768 (MB)
[Replay Graphics]
DNSMFilter=2 ; 0 = none 1 = Fetch4 2 = PCF4
DNSMShadowFade=50 ; 0 to # = time to fade in night shadows in 100ths of a sec (25 default)
DNSMNumLights=3 ; 0 to 128 = Max number of shadow mapped lights at night
DNSMHeadlightsCastShadows=0 ; 0=off 1=car headlights cast shadows
DNSMWallsCastShadows=0 ; 0= off 1=track walls cast shadows
DNSMTSOsCastShadows=1 ; 0= off 1=track objects cast shadows
DNSMDownsampleFirst=0 ; 0=per-AA-sample shadows 1=per-pixel shadow
DNSMEnable=1 ; 0=off 1=dynamic night shadow maps
ParticleDetail=0 ; particle detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
TwoPassTrees=1 ; 0=off, 1=render trees with higher quality in two passes
DepthOfField=0 ; 0=off, 1=depth of field blurs enabled
ShadowMapType=3 ; map onto: 0=off, 1=track, 2=track/cars, 3=track/cars/tso
ShadowType=1 ; 0=off, 1=one pass shadows, 2=two pass shadow vols
DynamicShadowFilters=1 ; 1=cockpit only, 7=all)
DynamicShadowMaps=1 ; 0=off 1=dynamic shadow maps for cars, etc. (Day only!)
CastTracksObjectsIntoShadowMaps=1 ; 1=cast objects into soft shadow maps
ShadowDetail=0 ; 0=fewer shadows, 1=maximum shadows
VirtualMirrors=1 ; 0=off, 1=virtual mirrors enabled
MaxCockpitMirrors=4 ; Maximum number of cockpit mirrors to enable (0 to 4)
MirrorDetail=1 ; 0=low detail, 1=high detail in mirrors
ParticlesSoft=0 ; soft particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticlesFullRes=1 ; full resolution particles: 0=off, 1=on
WeekendDetail=2 ; event detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
ObjectDetail=2 ; object population 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
GrandstandDetail=1 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
CrowdDetail=1 ; 0=off, 1=normal, 2=high
PitObjectDetail=2 ; 0=off, 1=low, 2=high
CarDetail=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
Trilinear=1 ; 0=off, 1=improved texture quality
MaxAniso=8 ; 1=off, or 2, 4, 8, 16 - improved edge-on textures
FarTerrain=1 ; 0=no far terrain, 1=far terrain in separate pass
DriverHands=1 ; Show driver hands? 0=no, 1=yes
SteeringWheel=1 ; Show steering wheel? 0=no, 1=yes
[Oculus Rift]
PrevVirtualMirrorWidth=1112 ; System use only -> do not edit...
PrevVirtualMirrorHeight=212 ; System use only -> do not edit...
RiftEnabled=1 ; Enable Oculus Rift Support
PixelsPerDisplayPixel=150 ; (50% to 300%): 125%=1.25, over 100% may hurt performance!
AutoSelect=0 ; Use Rift, if detected, without prompting
AutoCenter=0 ; Re-center the HMD pose when health/safety warning disappears
UIScreenSize=130 ; 3D UI screen width (cm)
UIScreenDistance=70 ; 3D UI screen distance (cm)
MirrorEnabled=1 ; Create mirror texture and render copies on screen.
OpenVREnabled=1 ; Enable OpenVR Support
ResolutionScalePct=150 ; (50% to 300%): 125%=1.25, over 100% may hurt performance!
AutoSelect=0 ; Use OpenVR without prompting (note: Oculus has priority if enabled)
AutoCenter=0 ; Re-center the HMD pose when health/safety warning disappears
UIScreenSize=130 ; 3D UI screen width (cm)
UIScreenDistance=70 ; 3D UI screen distance (cm)
My 2016s3 rendererDX11.ini (DX11)
AutoCfgCompleted=1 ; 0=need to run 3D autocfg at startup
Version=1 ; Version of this file
[Graphics Options]
DynamicTrackTextureUpdateRate=2 ; 0=min, 1=low, 2=med, 3=high frequency of dynamic track texture updates
ParticleDetail=0 ; particle detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
TwoPassTrees=0 ; 0=off, 1=render trees with higher quality in two passes
DepthOfField=0 ; 0=off, 1=depth of field blurs enabled
ShadowMapType=3 ; map onto: 0=off, 1=track, 2=track/cars, 3=track/cars/tso
ShadowType=0 ; 0=off, 1=one pass shadows, 2=two pass shadow vols
DynamicShadowFilters=7 ; 1=cockpit only, 7=all)
DynamicShadowMaps=1 ; 0=off 1=dynamic shadow maps for cars, etc. (Day only!)
CastTracksObjectsIntoShadowMaps=1 ; 1=cast objects into soft shadow maps
ShadowDetail=0 ; 0=fewer shadows, 1=maximum shadows
VirtualMirrors=1 ; 0=off, 1=virtual mirrors enabled
MaxCockpitMirrors=4 ; Maximum number of cockpit mirrors to enable (0 to 4)
MirrorDetail=1 ; 0=low detail, 1=high detail in mirrors
ParticlesSoft=0 ; soft particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticlesFullRes=1 ; full resolution particles: 0=off, 1=on
WeekendDetail=2 ; event detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
ObjectDetail=2 ; object population 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
GrandstandDetail=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
CrowdDetail=1 ; 0=off, 1=normal, 2=high
PitObjectDetail=2 ; 0=off, 1=low, 2=high
CarDetail=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
Trilinear=1 ; 0=off, 1=improved texture quality
MaxAniso=16 ; 1=off, or 2, 4, 8, 16 - improved edge-on textures
FarTerrain=1 ; 0=no far terrain, 1=far terrain in separate pass
DriverHands=1 ; Show driver hands? 0=no, 1=yes
SteeringWheel=1 ; Show steering wheel? 0=no, 1=yes
DynamicTireRendering=0 ; 0=render without dynamic tires, 1=render with dynamic tires
DynamicTrackDataRendering=0 ; 0=render without dynamic track data, 1=render with Dynamic Track Data
Tridef3D=0 ; 0=off, 1=Inject TriDef3D Ignition driver w/profile 'iRacing' (32-bit only)
ShaderQuality=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high, 3=max
HeadlightLevel=2 ; 0=low quality, 1=medium, 2=high quality. *** -1=disabled ***
ParallelSorting=1 ; 0=disabled 1=multithreaded scene sort
MonochromeHeadlights=0 ; 0=color headlights 1=all white (less blotches/banding)
ProceduralHeadlights=0 ; 0=off 1=dynamic player car headlights if headlightLevel >= MED
HeadlightsInMirrors=1 ; 0=off 1= headlights illuminate track surface in mirrors
LoadTexturesWhenDriving=1 ; 0=only load when out of car
CompressTexturesSuits=1 ; 0=uncompressed 1=block compress (recommended)
CompressTexturesHelmets=1 ; 0=uncompressed 1=block compress (recommended)
CompressTexturesCars=1 ; 0=uncompressed (warning! no!!) 1=block compress (highly recommended)
CompressedVertices=1 ; 0=off 1=Use compressed vertices
ReduceCockpitFlicker=1 ; 0=off 1=enabled
CarPaint2048x2048=0 ; 0=1024x1024 car textures res, 1=2048x2048 car texture res (max)
CacheSwap3HighResCars=0 ; 0=shrink to fit 1=cache swap higher res for nearest cars
WorldNearPlaneDistance=10 ; In 1/10 meters, min=1(0.1m) max=30(3m), helps z-fighting but may clip track.
VisibilityFrameDelay=5 ; Number of frames to wait before re-testing object visibility. 0 = no delay
AAQuality=0 ; 0=low - 16=max (GPU & AASamples specific)
AASamples=4 ; 1=off, 2, or 4 - num samples
MipLODBias=0 ; % bias texture lookup 100 is a mip level, positive is blurry, negative sharp
LODPct=100 ; % to scale dist before choosing level-of-detail
RefreshRateHz=0 ; 0=default
OcclusionCull=1 ; 0=disable occlusion culling, 1=enabled (usually best)
LimitFrameRate=0 ; 0=no limit, 1=use DesiredFPSLimit
DesiredFPSLimitBatt=60 ; Enabled when LimitFrameRate=1 and on battery
DesiredFPSLimit=96 ; Enabled when LimitFrameRate=1 and on ext. power
MaxPreRenderedFrames=1 ; 1=normal 2=SLI/Crossfire 0=disabled
VerticalSync=0 ; 0=allow tearing, 1=lock FPS to refresh rate
TwoBackBuffers=0 ; 0=1 back buffer, 1=try to create 2 back buffers
MaxWorkingSetMB_64Bit=8192 ; (64-bit) 1024 to 8192 MB - Lower to reduce page faults!
VidMemMB=1844 ; Maximum GPU video memory to consume (MB)
UIScalePct=82 ; User Interface Size
BezelProtectionPct=7 ; 0-10: % of screen width to keep UI elements away from bezels
Min3ViewZoomDistortion=1 ; 0=off 1=when cameras zoom in alot, relax screen angles
NumMonitors=3 ; 1 or 3
RenderViewPerMonitor=1 ; 0=off 1=separate view on each monitor (less distortion)
MonitorWidth=568 ; (mm) total width of each monitor (screen + bezels)
ScreenWidth=523 ; (mm) usable width of each screen (no bezels)
ScreenAngles=35 ; (deg) side monitor angle, 10=slight, 65=max
Renderer=? ; Driver DLL - Don't Edit This!
Version=0 ; Driver Version - Don't Edit This!
Vendor=? ; Driver Vender - Don't Edit This!
[Laser Scan]
PointSizeMM=80 ; desired physical point size width (mm): 1 to 120
PointSizeMin=1 ; min point size in screen pixels (1 to 256)
PointSizeMax=1 ; max point size in screen pixels (1 to 256)
MaxLaserScanVidMem=128 ; Max scan density to load into vidmem 128-768 (MB)
[Replay Graphics]
ParticleDetail=0 ; particle detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
TwoPassTrees=1 ; 0=off, 1=render trees with higher quality in two passes
DepthOfField=0 ; 0=off, 1=depth of field blurs enabled
ShadowMapType=3 ; map onto: 0=off, 1=track, 2=track/cars, 3=track/cars/tso
ShadowType=1 ; 0=off, 1=one pass shadows, 2=two pass shadow vols
DynamicShadowFilters=1 ; 1=cockpit only, 7=all)
DynamicShadowMaps=1 ; 0=off 1=dynamic shadow maps for cars, etc. (Day only!)
CastTracksObjectsIntoShadowMaps=1 ; 1=cast objects into soft shadow maps
ShadowDetail=0 ; 0=fewer shadows, 1=maximum shadows
VirtualMirrors=1 ; 0=off, 1=virtual mirrors enabled
MaxCockpitMirrors=4 ; Maximum number of cockpit mirrors to enable (0 to 4)
MirrorDetail=1 ; 0=low detail, 1=high detail in mirrors
ParticlesSoft=0 ; soft particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticlesFullRes=1 ; full resolution particles: 0=off, 1=on
WeekendDetail=2 ; event detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
ObjectDetail=2 ; object population 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
GrandstandDetail=1 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
CrowdDetail=1 ; 0=off, 1=normal, 2=high
PitObjectDetail=2 ; 0=off, 1=low, 2=high
CarDetail=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
Trilinear=1 ; 0=off, 1=improved texture quality
MaxAniso=8 ; 1=off, or 2, 4, 8, 16 - improved edge-on textures
FarTerrain=1 ; 0=no far terrain, 1=far terrain in separate pass
DriverHands=1 ; Show driver hands? 0=no, 1=yes
SteeringWheel=1 ; Show steering wheel? 0=no, 1=yes
[Oculus Rift]
RiftEnabled=1 ; Enable Oculus Rift Support
PixelsPerDisplayPixel=150 ; (50% to 300%): 125%=1.25, over 100% may hurt performance!
AutoSelect=0 ; Use Rift, if detected, without prompting
AutoCenter=0 ; Re-center the HMD pose when health/safety warning disappears
UIScreenSize=130 ; 3D UI screen width (cm)
UIScreenDistance=70 ; 3D UI screen distance (cm)
MirrorEnabled=1 ; Create mirror texture and render copies on screen.
My 2016s2 rendererDX11.ini (DX11)
AutoCfgCompleted=1 ; 0=need to run 3D autocfg at startup
Version=1 ; Version of this file
[Graphics Options]
ParticleDetail=0 ; particles detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
TwoPassTrees=0 ; 0=off, 1=render trees with higher quality in two passes
DepthOfField=0 ; 0=off, 1=depth of field blurs enabled
ShadowMapType=3 ; map onto: 0=off, 1=track, 2=track/cars, 3=track/cars/tso
ShadowType=0 ; 0=off, 1=one pass shadows, 2=two pass shadow vols
DynamicShadowFilters=7 ; 1=cockpit only, 7=all)
DynamicShadowMaps=1 ; 0=off 1=dynamic shadow maps for cars, etc. (Day only!)
CastTracksObjectsIntoShadowMaps=1 ; 1=cast objects into soft shadow maps
ShadowDetail=0 ; 0=fewer shadows, 1=maximum shadows
VirtualMirrors=1 ; 0=off, 1=virtual mirrors enabled
MaxCockpitMirrors=4 ; Maximum number of cockpit mirrors to enable (0 to 4)
MirrorDetail=1 ; 0=low detail, 1=high detail in mirrors
ParticlesSoft=0 ; soft particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticlesFullRes=1 ; full resolution particles: 0=off, 1=on
WeekendDetail=2 ; event detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
ObjectDetail=2 ; object population 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
GrandstandDetail=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
CrowdDetail=1 ; 0=off, 1=normal, 2=high
PitObjectDetail=2 ; 0=off, 1=low, 2=high
CarDetail=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
Trilinear=1 ; 0=off, 1=improved texture quality
MaxAniso=16 ; 1=off, or 2, 4, 8, 16 - improved edge-on textures
FarTerrain=1 ; 0=no far terrain, 1=far terrain in separate pass
DriverHands=1 ; Show driver hands? 0=no, 1=yes
SteeringWheel=1 ; Show steering wheel? 0=no, 1=yes
DynamicTireRendering=0 ; 0=render without dynamic tires, 1=render with dynamic tires
DynamicTrackDataRendering=0 ; 0=render without dynamic track data, 1=render with Dynamic Track Data
Tridef3D=0 ; 0=off, 1=Inject TriDef3D Ignition driver w/profile 'iRacing' (32-bit only)
ShaderQuality=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high, 3=max
HeadlightLevel=2 ; 0=low quality, 1=medium, 2=high quality. *** -1=disabled ***
ParallelSorting=1 ; 0=disabled 1=multithreaded scene sort
MonochromeHeadlights=0 ; 0=color headlights 1=all white (less blotches/banding)
ProceduralHeadlights=0 ; 0=off 1=dynamic player car headlights if headlightLevel >= MED
HeadlightsInMirrors=1 ; 0=off 1= headlights illuminate track surface in mirrors
LoadTexturesWhenDriving=1 ; 0=only load when out of car
CompressTexturesSuits=1 ; 0=uncompressed 1=block compress (recommended)
CompressTexturesHelmets=1 ; 0=uncompressed 1=block compress (recommended)
CompressTexturesCars=1 ; 0=uncompressed (warning! no!!) 1=block compress (highly recommended)
CompressedVertices=1 ; 0=off 1=Use compressed vertices
ReduceCockpitFlicker=1 ; 0=off 1=enabled
CarPaint2048x2048=0 ; 0=1024x1024 car textures res, 1=2048x2048 car texture res (max)
CacheSwap3HighResCars=0 ; 0=shrink to fit 1=cache swap higher res for nearest cars
WorldNearPlaneDistance=10 ; In 1/10 meters, min=1(0.1m) max=30(3m), helps z-fighting but may clip track.
VisibilityFrameDelay=5 ; Number of frames to wait before re-testing object visibility. 0 = no delay
AAQuality=0 ; 0=low - 16=max (GPU & AASamples specific)
AASamples=4 ; 1=off, 2, or 4 - num samples
MipLODBias=0 ; % bias texture lookup 100 is a mip level, positive is blurry, negative sharp
LODPct=100 ; % to scale dist before choosing level-of-detail
RefreshRateHz=0 ; 0=default
OcclusionCull=1 ; 0=disable occlusion culling, 1=enabled (usually best)
LimitFrameRate=0 ; 0=no limit, 1=use DesiredFPSLimit
DesiredFPSLimitBatt=60 ; Enabled when LimitFrameRate=1 and on battery
DesiredFPSLimit=96 ; Enabled when LimitFrameRate=1 and on ext. power
MaxPreRenderedFrames=1 ; 1=normal 2=SLI/Crossfire 0=disabled
VerticalSync=0 ; 0=allow tearing, 1=lock FPS to refresh rate
TwoBackBuffers=0 ; 0=1 back buffer, 1=try to create 2 back buffers
MaxWorkingSetMB_64Bit=8192 ; (64-bit) 1024 to 8192 MB - Lower to reduce page faults!
VidMemMB=1844 ; Maximum GPU video memory to consume (MB)
UIScalePct=80 ; User Interface Size
BezelProtectionPct=7 ; 0-10: % of screen width to keep UI elements away from bezels
Min3ViewZoomDistortion=1 ; 0=off 1=when cameras zoom in alot, relax screen angles
NumMonitors=3 ; 1 or 3
RenderViewPerMonitor=1 ; 0=off 1=separate view on each monitor (less distortion)
MonitorWidth=568 ; (mm) total width of each monitor (screen + bezels)
ScreenWidth=523 ; (mm) usable width of each screen (no bezels)
ScreenAngles=35 ; (deg) side monitor angle, 10=slight, 65=max
Renderer=? ; Driver DLL - Don't Edit This!
Version=0 ; Driver Version - Don't Edit This!
Vendor=? ; Driver Vender - Don't Edit This!
[Laser Scan]
PointSizeMM=80 ; desired physical point size width (mm): 1 to 120
PointSizeMin=1 ; min point size in screen pixels (1 to 15)
PointSizeMax=1 ; max point size in screen pixels (1 to 20)
MaxLaserScanVidMem=128 ; Max scan density to load into vidmem (MB)
[Replay Graphics]
ParticleDetail=0 ; particles detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
TwoPassTrees=1 ; 0=off, 1=render trees with higher quality in two passes
DepthOfField=0 ; 0=off, 1=depth of field blurs enabled
ShadowMapType=3 ; map onto: 0=off, 1=track, 2=track/cars, 3=track/cars/tso
ShadowType=1 ; 0=off, 1=one pass shadows, 2=two pass shadow vols
DynamicShadowFilters=1 ; 1=cockpit only, 7=all)
DynamicShadowMaps=1 ; 0=off 1=dynamic shadow maps for cars, etc. (Day only!)
CastTracksObjectsIntoShadowMaps=1 ; 1=cast objects into soft shadow maps
ShadowDetail=0 ; 0=fewer shadows, 1=maximum shadows
VirtualMirrors=1 ; 0=off, 1=virtual mirrors enabled
MaxCockpitMirrors=4 ; Maximum number of cockpit mirrors to enable (0 to 4)
MirrorDetail=1 ; 0=low detail, 1=high detail in mirrors
ParticlesSoft=0 ; soft particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticlesFullRes=1 ; full resolution particles: 0=off, 1=on
WeekendDetail=2 ; event detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
ObjectDetail=2 ; object population 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
GrandstandDetail=1 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
CrowdDetail=1 ; 0=off, 1=normal, 2=high
PitObjectDetail=2 ; 0=off, 1=low, 2=high
CarDetail=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
Trilinear=1 ; 0=off, 1=improved texture quality
MaxAniso=8 ; 1=off, or 2, 4, 8, 16 - improved edge-on textures
FarTerrain=1 ; 0=no far terrain, 1=far terrain in separate pass
DriverHands=1 ; Show driver hands? 0=no, 1=yes
SteeringWheel=1 ; Show steering wheel? 0=no, 1=yes
My 2016s2 renderer.ini (DX9)
AutoCfgCompleted=1 ; 0=need to run 3D autocfg at startup
Version=1 ; Version of this file
[Graphics Options]
ReduceCockpitFlicker=1 ; 0=off 1=enabled
ParallelSorting=1 ; 0=disabled 1=multithreaded scene sort
MaxPreRenderedFrames=1 ; 1=normal 2=SLI/Crossfire 0=disabled
VideoMemMB=1536 ; Maximum GPU video memory to consume (MB)
MaxTrackDecalsInMirrors=200 ; Max (approx) track decals in mirrors (0 to 1000)
MaxTrackDecalsInCockpit=700 ; Max (approx) track decals in cockpit (0 to 2500)
MaxWorkingSetMB=2000 ; (32-bit) 512 to 4096 MB - Lower to reduce page faults!
TwoPassTrees=0 ; 0=off, 1=render trees with higher quality in two passes
DepthOfField=0 ; 0=off, 1=depth of field blurs enabled
ShadowMapType=3 ; map onto: 0=off, 1=track, 2=trackcars, 3=trackcarstso
ShadowType=0 ; 0=off, 1=one pass shadows, 2=two pass shadow vols
DynamicShadowFilters=7 ; 1=cockpit only, 7=all)
DynamicShadowMaps=1 ; 0=off 1=dynamic shadow maps for cars, etc. (Day only!)
CastTracksObjectsIntoShadowMaps=1 ; 1=cast objects into soft shadow maps
ShadowDetail=0 ; 0=fewer shadows, 1=maximum shadows
VirtualMirrors=1 ; 0=off, 1=virtual mirrors enabled
MaxCockpitMirrors=4 ; Maximum number of cockpit mirrors to enable (0 to 4)
MirrorDetail=1 ; 0=low detail, 1=high detail in mirrors
ParticlesSoft=1 ; soft particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticlesFullRes=1 ; full resolution particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticlesDetail=2 ; particles detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
WeekendDetail=2 ; event detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
ObjectDetail=2 ; object population 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
GrandstandDetail=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
CrowdDetail=1 ; 0=off, 1=normal, 2=high
PitObjectDetail=2 ; 0=off, 1=low, 2=high
CarDetail=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
Trilinear=0 ; 0=off, 1=improved texture quality
MaxAniso=16 ; 1=off, or 2, 4, 8, 16 - improved edge-on textures
FarTerrain=1 ; 0=no far terrain, 1=far terrain in separate pass
DriverHands=0 ; Show driver hands? 0=no, 1=yes
SteeringWheel=1 ; Show steering wheel? 0=no, 1=yes
DynamicTireRendering=0 ; 0=render without dynamic tires, 1=render with Dynamic Tires
DynamicTrackDataRendering=0 ; 0=render without dynamic track data, 1=render with Dynamic Track Data
Tridef3D=0 ; 0=off, 1=Inject TriDef3D Ignition driver w/profile 'iRacing' (32-bit only)
ShaderLevel=3 ; 0=none, 1=vertex, 2=pixel, 3=advanced
ForceDX9ShaderCompiler=0 ; 0=June 2010 HLSL (dx10/faster?) 1=Oct 2006 HLSL (dx9/safer?)
HeadlightLevel=2 ; 0=low quality, 1=medium, 2=high quality. *** -1=disabled ***
MonochromeHeadlights=1 ; 0=color headlights 1=all white (less blotches/banding)
ProceduralHeadlights=1 ; 0=off 1=dynamic player car headlights if headlightLevel >= MED
HeadlightsInMirrors=1 ; 0=off 1= headlights illuminate track surface in mirrors
LoadTexturesWhenDriving=1 ; 0=only load when out of car
CompressedVertices=1 ; 0=off 1=Use compressed vertices
ReduceZFighting=1 ; 0=off 1=draw cockpit in separate depth range
SeparateDynamicTrackPass=0 ; 0=dyn track renders in base pass 1=dyn track renders using 2nd pass
CompressTexturesSuits=1 ; 0=uncompressed 1=block compress (recommended)
CompressTexturesHelmets=1 ; 0=uncompressed 1=block compress (recommended)
CompressTexturesCars=1 ; 0=uncompressed (warning! no!!) 1=block compress (highly recommended)
CarPaint2048x2048=0 ; 0=1024x1024 car textures res, 1=2048x2048 car texture res (max)
CacheSwap3HighResCars=0 ; 0=shrink to fit 1=cache swap higher res for nearest cars
VisibilityFrameDelay=5 ; Number of frames to wait before re-testing object visibility. 0 = no delay
AAQuality=0 ; 0=low - 7=max (GPU & AASamples specific)
AASamples=4 ; 1=off, 2, or 4 - num samples
LODPct=100 ; % to scale dist before choosing level-of-detail
RefreshRateHz=0 ; 0=default
OcclusionCull=1 ; 0=disable occlusion culling, 1=enabled (usually best)
LimitFrameRate=0 ; 0=no limit, 1=use DesiredFPSLimit
DesiredFPSLimitBatt=60 ; Enabled when LimitFrameRate=1 and on battery
DesiredFPSLimit=100 ; Enabled when LimitFrameRate=1 and on ext. power
VerticalSync=0 ; 0=allow tearing, 1=lock FPS to refresh rate
TwoBackBuffers=1 ; 0=1 back buffer, 1=try to create 2 back buffers
MaxWorkingSetMB_64Bit=8192 ; (64-bit) 1024 to 8192 MB - Lower to reduce page faults!
UIScalePct=80 ; User Interface Size
BezelProtectionPct=7 ; 0-10: % of screen width to keep UI elements away from bezels
Min3ViewZoomDistortion=1 ; 0=off 1=when cameras zoom in alot, relax screen angles
NumMonitors=3 ; 1 or 3
RenderViewPerMonitor=1 ; 0=off 1=separate view on each monitor (less distortion)
MonitorWidth=568 ; (mm) total width of each monitor (screen + bezels)
ScreenWidth=523 ; (mm) usable width of each screen (no bezels)
ScreenAngles=35 ; (deg) side monitor angle, 10=slight, 65=max
[Laser Scan]
PointSizeMM=80 ; desired physical point size width (mm): 1 to 120
PointSizeMin=1 ; min point size in screen pixels (1 to 15)
PointSizeMax=1 ; max point size in screen pixels (1 to 20)
MaxLaserScanVidMem=128 ; Max scan density to load into vidmem (MB)
[Oculus Rift]
ForceVSYNC=0 ; Force on VSYNC for Rift even if disabled in the graphics options settings
UsePrediction=1 ; Enable motion prediction
CorrectYaw=1 ; Enable magnetic yaw correction
RiftEnabled=1 ; 0=disable rift 1=allow auto detection
[Replay Graphics]
MaxTrackDecalsInMirrors=200 ; Max (approx) track decals in mirrors (0 to 1000)
MaxTrackDecalsInCockpit=700 ; Max (approx) track decals in cockpit (0 to 2500)
TwoPassTrees=1 ; 0=off, 1=render trees with higher quality in two passes
DepthOfField=1 ; 0=off, 1=depth of field blurs enabled
ShadowMapType=3 ; map onto: 0=off, 1=track, 2=trackcars, 3=trackcarstso
ShadowType=0 ; 0=off, 1=one pass shadows, 2=two pass shadow vols
DynamicShadowFilters=7 ; 1=cockpit only, 7=all)
DynamicShadowMaps=1 ; 0=off 1=dynamic shadow maps for cars, etc. (Day only!)
CastTracksObjectsIntoShadowMaps=1 ; 1=cast objects into soft shadow maps
ShadowDetail=0 ; 0=fewer shadows, 1=maximum shadows
VirtualMirrors=1 ; 0=off, 1=virtual mirrors enabled
MaxCockpitMirrors=4 ; Maximum number of cockpit mirrors to enable (0 to 4)
MirrorDetail=1 ; 0=low detail, 1=high detail in mirrors
ParticlesSoft=1 ; soft particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticlesFullRes=1 ; full resolution particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticlesDetail=2 ; particles detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
WeekendDetail=2 ; event detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
ObjectDetail=2 ; object population 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
GrandstandDetail=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
CrowdDetail=2 ; 0=off, 1=normal, 2=high
PitObjectDetail=2 ; 0=off, 1=low, 2=high
CarDetail=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
Trilinear=1 ; 0=off, 1=improved texture quality
MaxAniso=16 ; 1=off, or 2, 4, 8, 16 - improved edge-on textures
FarTerrain=1 ; 0=no far terrain, 1=far terrain in separate pass
DriverHands=1 ; Show driver hands? 0=no, 1=yes
SteeringWheel=1 ; Show steering wheel? 0=no, 1=yes
My previous renderer.ini (2016s1)
AutoCfgCompleted=1 ; 0=need to run 3D autocfg at startup
Version=1 ; Version of this file
[Graphics Options]
ParallelSorting=1 ; 0=disabled 1=multithreaded scene sort
MaxPreRenderedFrames=1 ; 1=normal 2=SLI/Crossfire 0=disabled
VideoMemMB=1536 ; Maximum GPU video memory to consume (MB)
MaxTrackDecalsInMirrors=200 ; Max (approx) track decals in mirrors (0 to 1000)
MaxTrackDecalsInCockpit=700 ; Max (approx) track decals in cockpit (0 to 2500)
MaxWorkingSetMB=2000 ; (32-bit) 512 to 4096 MB - Lower to reduce page faults!
TwoPassTrees=0 ; 0=off, 1=render trees with higher quality in two passes
DepthOfField=0 ; 0=off, 1=depth of field blurs enabled
ShadowMapType=3 ; map onto: 0=off, 1=track, 2=trackcars, 3=trackcarstso
ShadowType=0 ; 0=off, 1=one pass shadows, 2=two pass shadow vols
DynamicShadowFilters=7 ; 1=cockpit only, 7=all)
DynamicShadowMaps=1 ; 0=off 1=dynamic shadow maps for cars, etc. (Day only!)
CastTracksObjectsIntoShadowMaps=1 ; 1=cast objects into soft shadow maps
ShadowDetail=0 ; 0=fewer shadows, 1=maximum shadows
VirtualMirrors=1 ; 0=off, 1=virtual mirrors enabled
MaxCockpitMirrors=4 ; Maximum number of cockpit mirrors to enable (0 to 4)
MirrorDetail=1 ; 0=low detail, 1=high detail in mirrors
ParticlesSoft=1 ; soft particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticlesFullRes=1 ; full resolution particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticlesDetail=2 ; particles detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
WeekendDetail=2 ; event detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
ObjectDetail=2 ; object population 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
GrandstandDetail=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
CrowdDetail=1 ; 0=off, 1=normal, 2=high
PitObjectDetail=2 ; 0=off, 1=low, 2=high
CarDetail=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
Trilinear=1 ; 0=off, 1=improved texture quality
MaxAniso=16 ; 1=off, or 2, 4, 8, 16 - improved edge-on textures
FarTerrain=1 ; 0=no far terrain, 1=far terrain in separate pass
DriverHands=0 ; Show driver hands? 0=no, 1=yes
SteeringWheel=1 ; Show steering wheel? 0=no, 1=yes
DynamicTireRendering=0 ; 0=render without dynamic tires, 1=render with Dynamic Tires
DynamicTrackDataRendering=0 ; 0=render without dynamic track data, 1=render with Dynamic Track Data
Tridef3D=0 ; 0=off, 1=Inject TriDef3D Ignition driver w/profile 'iRacing' (32-bit only)
ShaderLevel=3 ; 0=none, 1=vertex, 2=pixel, 3=advanced
ForceDX9ShaderCompiler=0 ; 0=June 2010 HLSL (dx10/faster?) 1=Oct 2006 HLSL (dx9/safer?)
HeadlightLevel=2 ; 0=low quality, 1=medium, 2=high quality. *** -1=disabled ***
MonochromeHeadlights=1 ; 0=color headlights 1=all white (less blotches/banding)
ProceduralHeadlights=1 ; 0=off 1=dynamic player car headlights if headlightLevel >= MED
HeadlightsInMirrors=1 ; 0=off 1= headlights illuminate track surface in mirrors
LoadTexturesWhenDriving=1 ; 0=only load when out of car
CompressedVertices=1 ; 0=off 1=Use compressed vertices
DrawCarFirst=0 ; 0=off 1=draw cockpit first
ReduceZFighting=1 ; 0=off 1=draw cockpit in separate depth range
SeparateDynamicTrackPass=0 ; 0=dyn track renders in base pass 1=dyn track renders using 2nd pass
CompressTexturesSuits=1 ; 0=uncompressed 1=block compress (recommended)
CompressTexturesHelmets=1 ; 0=uncompressed 1=block compress (recommended)
CompressTexturesCars=1 ; 0=uncompressed (warning! no!!) 1=block compress (highly recommended)
CarPaint2048x2048=0 ; 0=1024x1024 car textures res, 1=2048x2048 car texture res (max)
CacheSwap3HighResCars=0 ; 0=shrink to fit 1=cache swap higher res for nearest cars
VisibilityFrameDelay=5 ; Number of frames to wait before re-testing object visibility. 0 = no delay
AAQuality=0 ; 0=low - 7=max (GPU & AASamples specific)
AASamples=4 ; 1=off, 2, or 4 - num samples
LODPct=100 ; % to scale dist before choosing level-of-detail
RefreshRateHz=0 ; 0=default
OcclusionCull=1 ; 0=disable occlusion culling, 1=enabled (usually best)
LimitFrameRate=0 ; 0=no limit, 1=use DesiredFPSLimit
DesiredFPSLimitBatt=60 ; Enabled when LimitFrameRate=1 and on battery
DesiredFPSLimit=100 ; Enabled when LimitFrameRate=1 and on ext. power
VerticalSync=0 ; 0=allow tearing, 1=lock FPS to refresh rate
TwoBackBuffers=1 ; 0=1 back buffer, 1=try to create 2 back buffers
MaxWorkingSetMB_64Bit=8192 ; (64-bit) 1024 to 8192 MB - Lower to reduce page faults!
UIScalePct=80 ; User Interface Size
BezelProtectionPct=7 ; 0-10: % of screen width to keep UI elements away from bezels
Min3ViewZoomDistortion=1 ; 0=off 1=when cameras zoom in alot, relax screen angles
NumMonitors=3 ; 1 or 3
RenderViewPerMonitor=1 ; 0=off 1=separate view on each monitor (less distortion)
MonitorWidth=568 ; (mm) total width of each monitor (screen + bezels)
ScreenWidth=523 ; (mm) usable width of each screen (no bezels)
ScreenAngles=35 ; (deg) side monitor angle, 10=slight, 65=max
[Laser Scan]
PointSizeMM=80 ; desired physical point size width (mm): 1 to 120
PointSizeMin=1 ; min point size in screen pixels (1 to 15)
PointSizeMax=1 ; max point size in screen pixels (1 to 20)
MaxLaserScanVidMem=128 ; Max scan density to load into vidmem (MB)
[Oculus Rift]
ForceVSYNC=0 ; Force on VSYNC for Rift even if disabled in the graphics options settings
UsePrediction=1 ; Enable motion prediction
CorrectYaw=1 ; Enable magnetic yaw correction
RiftEnabled=1 ; 0=disable rift 1=allow auto detection
[Replay Graphics]
MaxTrackDecalsInMirrors=200 ; Max (approx) track decals in mirrors (0 to 1000)
MaxTrackDecalsInCockpit=700 ; Max (approx) track decals in cockpit (0 to 2500)
TwoPassTrees=1 ; 0=off, 1=render trees with higher quality in two passes
DepthOfField=1 ; 0=off, 1=depth of field blurs enabled
ShadowMapType=3 ; map onto: 0=off, 1=track, 2=trackcars, 3=trackcarstso
ShadowType=0 ; 0=off, 1=one pass shadows, 2=two pass shadow vols
DynamicShadowFilters=7 ; 1=cockpit only, 7=all)
DynamicShadowMaps=1 ; 0=off 1=dynamic shadow maps for cars, etc. (Day only!)
CastTracksObjectsIntoShadowMaps=1 ; 1=cast objects into soft shadow maps
ShadowDetail=0 ; 0=fewer shadows, 1=maximum shadows
VirtualMirrors=1 ; 0=off, 1=virtual mirrors enabled
MaxCockpitMirrors=4 ; Maximum number of cockpit mirrors to enable (0 to 4)
MirrorDetail=1 ; 0=low detail, 1=high detail in mirrors
ParticlesSoft=1 ; soft particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticlesFullRes=1 ; full resolution particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticlesDetail=2 ; particles detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
WeekendDetail=2 ; event detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
ObjectDetail=2 ; object population 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
GrandstandDetail=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
CrowdDetail=2 ; 0=off, 1=normal, 2=high
PitObjectDetail=2 ; 0=off, 1=low, 2=high
CarDetail=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
Trilinear=1 ; 0=off, 1=improved texture quality
MaxAniso=16 ; 1=off, or 2, 4, 8, 16 - improved edge-on textures
FarTerrain=1 ; 0=no far terrain, 1=far terrain in separate pass
DriverHands=1 ; Show driver hands? 0=no, 1=yes
SteeringWheel=1 ; Show steering wheel? 0=no, 1=yes